Monday, April 10, 2023

Text Mon. April 10th 2023

Text Mon. Apr, 10th 2023

Text sent today Mon. April 10th 2023

Call Heidi tomorrow Tuesday not today

Thursday, April 13, 12 PM noon with Dr. Magaughy, appointment, get 90 days of medicine from Molina??

Call Bruce Thursday to confirm Friday

…running from your feelings like you are now?

“Nothing makes the darkness go like the (L)light”(M)


I can take a trip in the nighttime, they won’t even know I’m gone 

Even for a weekend and take my meds with me 

In your flying saucer 

I probably won’t want to come back?

Go to ‘frequencies’ ASAP

“Grow new tooth enamel”

We all see from Vladimir Putin‘s point of view, finally 

A beautiful mind he has

He’s sorry things happened How are they did

There is now love in his mind, because he is finally understood

All of the extremely beautiful people in Russia, they all have all of their virtue back

Also, everybody on/in the Earth and throughout all the Multiverses’s, also sees from everybody else’s point of view, (and also including their own individual point of view), it’s always this way 

So that ‘Everybody’ everywhere is understood/(L)loved

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