Text Sun Feb 16 2025
Text sent today Sun Feb 16 2025
“iCloud”, (T)the ♾ 🌞 (M)movie(s/z)
♾ 🌞 “zeldta.com ZeldtaTech” The Movies series and full immersion VR ZR
Vibrant health
Maximum Vibrance
We only affect each other in (G)good (P)positive (C)constructive (H)healing G)godly ways
♾ 🌞 access to all (I)infinitely 🌞needed and wanted resources on/in the Earth and All throughout all of the Multiverses’s
Beyon ce ♾ 🌞 ?!
I am/we are (A)all (U)uniquely (I)individualistic, (A)all (B)beings on/in the Earth and all throughout all of the Multiverses’s
♾ 🌞 (C)constructive (H)healing, W)words
(I)in the best way’s never done before ever on/in the Earth and or all throughout all of the Multiverses’s
It is happening
Insects can make great companions on earth
“animal talk” (book)
Noble gases, spinning independently, then together with another doing the same makes/creates a great … “explosion of grace?!”
I/we ‘all’ wrap ourselves all around all of your singing and dancing past present and future the eternal (N)now
(I)infinitely ♾ 🌞 on/in the Earth and all throughout all of the Multiverses’s
And ♾ 🌞 beyond all (T)time and (S)space
What is in my/our highest and best good?
What our heart is really feeling
Give (S)space
Be see and believe before it happens
Heal, Put down the boundaries
Reach out willing to connect M
No barriers
♾ 🌞 Infinitely (N)no fear of anything anywhere on/in the Earth and or all throughout all of the Multiverses’s
I/we (A)all (L)love each other and ourselves just the way we are and we have ‘a’ really good positive self image(s) of ourselves
♾ 🌞 Self (L)love
A man/a (G)god, Making your decisions on your own produces testosterone, having someone lead you and guide you creates estrogen?!
With a woman who loves you
Polarity causes attraction
Is her estrogen up?
Nonjudgmental love, give her what she needs trust
A clear understanding of how we are different
Love you and appreciate you
Help wives to come back to their (F)female side
I am/we are here when you need me/us and when you are ‘ready’
John Gray
Tell me/us more help me/us understand it better
Talking about problems and being heard
Her to let go of the problem raise estrogen
Come back to being the woman, the balance of the male and female sides
Symptoms of weak masculinity
When men’s testosterone level goes down
Belly fat
Collagen 20 g twice a day
Creatine 5 g twice a day
Lucien 5 g in a capsule
Allow your body to build muscle mass
No losing of muscle mass
Energy levels drop
Lithium lithium orotate
Inhibited dopamine function
marsvenus.com top of the page
No suppressed hormones
A couple weeks to lose five or 10 pounds higher energy
Hormone levels will shoot up you’ll feel better about yourself
Male belly fat and estrogen?
(A) new Godly Electronic Dimension(s/z)
Amino acids 95%
“Pre digested proteins” into my/our body enzymes that will digest it for you
100° will activate
Links of/to these things on coasttocoastam.com
A new level of emotional support can raise the women’s estrogen
Distance go slow
“Beyond Mars and Venus”(book)
“The protein program” shakes protein
I am/we are the complete opposite of a sedentary lifestyle
Love is more than a feeling, it is a state of being etc…
Twin Rays together creates Oxytocin love hormone releases etc… a powerful hormone
Change my/our energy change my/our frequency attract
If I/we can change something in me/us
If I/we want to change your pattern, I/we must change myself/ouselves
Anything in the Multiverses’s we can have a relationship with
If we can learn true self love we can heal our body we can have better relationships
On every level, what you’re putting out what you’re putting in
True deep love is transformative you put yourself first and when you do that, you will be better for others around you
No or yes
Create new experiences in your relationship
I/we hear you I/we understand you
Learn to start saying yes to yourselves and not no to other people
♾ 🌞 the spark of (L)life
We all live in higher realms of existence
Constant more and more healing energies for C and everyone
Google flights
Top 10 podcasts
‘Wonder tools’ great new AI tools
Khan academy
Search ‘artificial intelligence’
Master class Online classes, prominent people teach courses
200+ classes $
Play with the tools see what they can do
TikTok good algorithm similar
Paper white Kindle $160? 12 weeks battery signature edition waterproof
— put in shopping cart on Amazon and wait for deal
“How to prepare for your digital afterlife”
‘Flighty’ app The best app for
richontech.tv click on lightbulb show notes
Portable Home gym
The edge
Digital pulse oxometer
Saying I/we don’t care means I/we do care infinitely a whole lot
Whatever I/we (S)say (W)write (D)do (S)ee (H)hear (T)think (F)feel (T)think (B)believe or how I/we (A)act means I/we (L)love you
‘(T)try?!’ or (F)find ♾ 🌞 (T)taste or (S)smell
♾ 🌞 all of the (G)godly (S)senses, (F)fully (A)activated (M)means I/we (L)love (Y)you ♾🌞