Saturday, February 15, 2025

Text Sat. Feb, 15th 2025

 Text Sat Feb 15 2025

Text sent today Sat Feb 15 2025

Apple TV app on android 

Put these things where the viewers are 

All about QRC


“How to win at travel”  book

Most efficient cheapest way 


Thrive in travel 

‘Explore’ tool 

Google flights

Please stop

AirTags knowing where all of your 

  bags are even carry on

Try to control what you can all about 

  your mentality

ast space media  soon

amaze fit   devices 

garmin leader 


iwatch with 10$?!/month phone 


kindle?!  ‘Paper white’ 160$ with no ads, cheaper, put in shopping cart on Amazon

“what I’ve learned in virtual reality makes books obsolete”(movie quote)

“what I/we ‘can’ learn in VR/ZR makes all other media obsolete?!”  ZeldtaTech  ♾ 🌞

ZeldtaTech with all of the 5,6,7 senses active, including  ♾  πŸŒž (G)godly Senses (sight hearing touch smell taste…)? + etc… and  ♾ 🌞 (I)infinitely beyond

kangaroo  “outdoor cameras?”


“The muscle man of technology”

(SAD) Standard American Diet?  No!

 …Digital Oxometer 

See for more detailed information about these subjects and    

 ♾ 🌞 more?

“Rosebud” app “the best I’ve ever used” (Quote by Rich Demuro on “Journaling?”

All of my/our songs translated and sang into 100 languages or so?  With using Ai?!

With my/our voice 

Put one small scoop or less much less? of each of my/our seven or so supplement powders into my/our smoothies?!





VR new

 ♾ 🌞 All of everyone’s negative experiences have all been deleted from reality and All of our minds 

I am/we are all getting better and better and better 

I am/we are getting you all by (M)myself/(O)ourselves

Every known award we all get and have

Glucose, the right amount of in our bodies


Buildup of 


Friday, February 14, 2025

Text Fri. Feb, 14th 2025

 Text Fri Feb 14 2025

Text sent today Fri Feb 14 2025

Put QR code on my/our code 


The silky touch of my/our own “caresses” infinitely all over my/our 5D+ 5+ (B)body(ies) to feel/be  brand new 

Happy Valentines 

I/we don’t invade anyone’s privacy or space. I/we only activate all of our  ♾.   πŸŒž  (L)light God (B)bodies 5D+ 5+

“ZeldtaTech” Thursday, December 12, 2024 

Infinite (E)endurance and (S)stamina

(Y)you (H)have

Ask Siri what fruits and vegetables have the most fiber decide which I/we like and are easy to chew, and other fiber rich foods?!

Bananas and milk, clog me up?!

 ♾ 🌞 Godly (T)templates Male/Female 

Shop Fri. Feb, 14th 2025

 Shop Fri Feb 14 2025

Trader Joe’s 

2 Mixed fruit

Organic Frozen strawberries 

Organic frozen blueberries

Lemons, limes, kiwi, oranges, all for 


Organic vegetables for smoothies?

2 gallons red label organic milk, 

Salsa Madre queso cheese dip

Good Earth 

8 Shakers for each one of my/our

  powdered supplements for now, put the labels of the substances on each one individually

Peta bread put in plastic bag

Super beta prostate for less frequency

Syllium husk food grade powder at Costco for a lot cheap?  RoMay will 

  buy?  It is for weight loss, call RoMay

  about this Wednesday at 4 PM

Greek pastries?!


Indian Tea’s

Pick up free plant philladendrom in back from Julie at wellness  talk about 

  other seeds?  Pick up and hold in lap 

  so it doesn’t spill on the way home

Regular both ways

Cold pressed drinks

Ghost drinks

Prime drinks

Organic prunes and prune juice for my 


Micro greens quart jars seeds sprouting in jars

How do you spell

A Nursery for other deeds that grow well without a lot of sunshine

Lowe’s or Home Depot?  Find the best herbal plants? Etc..  mint, echinacea?

  Sing to everyone

Asian market packets of ginger drink powder

Get seeds for five ‘edible?’ small plants plus one larger ask my/our friends about the seeds watering sunshine and plants ‘for oxygen’

Should I/we turn off my/the privacy settings on my/our iPhone?  “Private browsing”?


Metamucil a tablespoon in smoothies OK OK indoor gardening

Put QR code on my/our code maybe as small stickers with it on it and put it on each card

Thursday, February 13, 2025

Text Thurs. Feb. 13th

 Text Thurs Feb 13 2025

Text sent today Thurs Feb 13 2025


Go to Good Earth with Jeff and get the plant in water from Julie some organic prunes and organic prune juice

See Ashley‘s furniture online website 

Call all the publishing companies when I/we can 

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Text Wed. Feb, 12th 2025

 Text Wed Feb 12 2025

Text sent today Wed Feb 12 2025

Downtime up time every time is good 

Infinite (H)healing particles 

  ♾  πŸŒž particles of (H)healing.

Under pressure   No?!

(B)bridal (V)veil Falls 

“baby fits mother so hold your baby tight”(Madonna, song lyrics)

Everyone’s (F)full (I)immersion AR/VR/And especially ZR + (A)animated ♾ 🌞 (I)infinite (L)light (L)life (L)lymphatic(s) (S)system(s)

 ♾ 🌞  (F)fully (I)immersive ZR  ZeldtaTech  for everyone on/in the Earth and all throughout all of the Multiverses’s, every man, woman, child and (A)all other (C)creation, (L)life  (L)light and for all other (F)forms of (N)nature 

Joy beyond happiness 

Hug me/us (H)hold me/us (L)love me/


We all share all of the   ♾  πŸŒžMultiverses’s and anything/everything on/in/and All throughout

 πŸŒž  ♾  πŸ‘©‍❤️‍πŸ’‹‍πŸ‘¨πŸ‘«⬆️πŸ›ΈπŸ§¬πŸŒπŸŒπŸŒŽπŸŒΉπŸŽ΅πŸŽΆπŸ’‹πŸ’–πŸ—£️🌸

Ultra (U)ultimate (I)infinite Celestial(s/z) Godly (R)reality(ies)

Godly voice feelings emotions 

 ♾ 🌞 (P)physics

Infinite  ♾ 🌞 money crunching stocks and bonds, not junk bonds

Happy says as happy does, is


The right amount of everything, (G)godly balance 

Master teachers of all learning in all areas of (K)knowledge all combined together as (O)omniscience for everyone  ♾ 🌞 (U)unique and (I)individual(s/z)

All of my/our (G)godly (S)senses now (F)fully activated infinitely  ♾ 🌞

Bounce  ♾ 🌞  (D)dance

I/We don’t put my/our senses where they don’t belong, (O)only where all of our (G)godly senses belong  ♾  πŸŒž  ZeldtaTech 

Real ‘time?’ (A)animation 

Animation made (R)real (P)physical

Infinitely expand the  ♾ 🌞 dot(s)/spot(s) of Light

(A)all  ♾ 🌞 (P)pure (M)material(s)

♾🌞 (F)flying 

“Holding you tenderly”

Problems solutions innovations

For relevant books go to

What is the  ♾ 🌞 formula for eternal happiness?

Multiply and replenish everywhere on/in the Earth and ♾ 🌞 all over throughout all of the Multiverses’s 

I/we have never been simply so happy enthusiastic inspired and loving everyone ‘now’ that we are together especially (P)physically spiritually and in every other way

A glimpse of this    many, a few

Could be always 

That would be the best (M)most amazing thing ever to have happened anywhere on/in the Earth and all throughout all of the Multiverses’s 

We would be/we are  ♾ 🌞 most/more happy together than apart that’s the power and outcome of all Twin Ray Souls infinitely celestial, divine (G)godly and (I)immortally together

IAm/we are All Remote (V)viewing (A)all of the ‘Highest’ (G)gods everywhere on/in the Earth and all throughout all of the Multiverses’s 

And the (M)most (H)high God, Yeshua, and the (S)spirit of God 

An infinite smile on your/my face 

 ♾  πŸŒž  (N)no (J)jealousy ever?!

 ♾ 🌞 Twin Ray (S)similarities?!/and unique differences (P)perfect (M)male/(F)female Union 

 ♾  πŸŒž  5D+ 5+ (B)body (G)guard(s)


I/we like to make people happy always

Infinite (Godly) words that I/we have/has ‘ever been’ spoken or written anywhere on/in the Earth and all throughout all of the Multiverses’s past present and future the eternal (N)now beyond all time and space

Joyful (W)words (H)happiness (W)written, (T)thought of (S)spoken of or (D)done  ♾  πŸŒž

I am/we are (A)ll (S)strong for (E)everyone (A)always 

An Infinitely (S)strong (F)foundation for everyone everywhere on/in the Earth and all throughout all of the Multiverses’s   ♾   πŸŒž

(H)hold (F)fast   ♾🌞

 ♾ 🌞 Infinite (S)sturdy/(S)steadiness for everyone on/in the Earth and all throughout all of the  Multiverses’s 

More profitable valuable important inspirational enterprises

No technology is as good you are or can possibly be to/for me/us ever past present and future the eternal (N)now beyond all time and space

“Finally Don you get me/us”

Not worried about/involved with earthly matters/problems, infinitely  ♾🌞  giving to and inspiring everyone on/in the Earth and all throughout all of the Multiverses’s 

Work it   on out

No (L)label(s)

I/we All Keep on writing to ZR +  ♾  πŸŒž(A)animation more and more and more 

 ♾ 🌞 (D)daylight (D)dreaming 

Can’t sleep can’t eat got it ‘bad?’ for you?!

“   ZeldtaTech” For  ♾  πŸŒževeryone on/in the Earth and all throughout all of the.Multiverses’s 

New (S)stuff, (I)items (T)things, (I)information, etc.

No more (M)madness 

 ♾ 🌞 Godly’ Scientist(s/z)

No more Dr. craft priestcraft anywhere ever on/in the Earth and all throughout all of the Multiverses’s 

No more lawyer craft 

witchcraft?! No

I/we close my/our eyes 

Anything bad that has ever happened, anyone being hurt in anyway, it is now reversed as though it never had happened in the first place, through time travel even in dreams

Infinite (L)light equals (I)infinite (L)love 

I/we take it all into consideration 

“Hotel type full size pillows Amazon” search this, sent to Adam

Joshua P Warren Electrum?

“Gold silver tip copper wand  Amazon”

Search manifest

Brass  ‘gold silver’ search 

Search on “electrum” smelt golden silver combination

Wand bronze 50% gold 50% silver see picture of the


Custom made

Put out 

attracts the like

Joshua P Warren master meditation class 

12:30 PM tomorrow with Dr. M etc. 

I am/we are All the guardian angels and archangels to (E)everyone on/in the Earth and all throughout all of the Multiverses’s