Text Wed Feb 12 2025
Text sent today Wed Feb 12 2025
Downtime up time every time is good
Infinite (H)healing particles
♾ π particles of (H)healing.
Under pressure No?!
(B)bridal (V)veil Falls
“baby fits mother so hold your baby tight”(Madonna, song lyrics)
Everyone’s (F)full (I)immersion AR/VR/And especially ZR + (A)animated ♾ π (I)infinite (L)light (L)life (L)lymphatic(s) (S)system(s)
♾ π (F)fully (I)immersive ZR zeldta.com ZeldtaTech for everyone on/in the Earth and all throughout all of the Multiverses’s, every man, woman, child and (A)all other (C)creation, (L)life (L)light and for all other (F)forms of (N)nature
Joy beyond happiness
Hug me/us (H)hold me/us (L)love me/
We all share all of the ♾ πMultiverses’s and anything/everything on/in/and All throughout
π ♾ π©❤️ππ¨π«⬆️πΈπ§¬ππππΉπ΅πΆπππ£️πΈ
Ultra (U)ultimate (I)infinite Celestial(s/z) Godly (R)reality(ies)
Godly voice feelings emotions
♾ π (P)physics
Infinite ♾ π money crunching stocks and bonds, not junk bonds
Happy says as happy does, is
The right amount of everything, (G)godly balance
Master teachers of all learning in all areas of (K)knowledge all combined together as (O)omniscience for everyone ♾ π (U)unique and (I)individual(s/z)
All of my/our (G)godly (S)senses now (F)fully activated infinitely ♾ π
Bounce ♾ π (D)dance
I/We don’t put my/our senses where they don’t belong, (O)only where all of our (G)godly senses belong ♾ π zeldta.com ZeldtaTech
Real ‘time?’ (A)animation
Animation made (R)real (P)physical
Infinitely expand the ♾ π dot(s)/spot(s) of Light
(A)all ♾ π (P)pure (M)material(s)
♾π (F)flying
“Holding you tenderly”
Problems solutions innovations
For relevant books go to coasttocoastam.com
What is the ♾ π formula for eternal happiness?
Multiply and replenish everywhere on/in the Earth and ♾ π all over throughout all of the Multiverses’s
I/we have never been simply so happy enthusiastic inspired and loving everyone ‘now’ that we are together especially (P)physically spiritually and in every other way
A glimpse of this many, a few
Could be always
That would be the best (M)most amazing thing ever to have happened anywhere on/in the Earth and all throughout all of the Multiverses’s
We would be/we are ♾ π most/more happy together than apart that’s the power and outcome of all Twin Ray Souls infinitely celestial, divine (G)godly and (I)immortally together
IAm/we are All Remote (V)viewing (A)all of the ‘Highest’ (G)gods everywhere on/in the Earth and all throughout all of the Multiverses’s
And the (M)most (H)high God, Yeshua, and the (S)spirit of God
An infinite smile on your/my face
♾ π (N)no (J)jealousy ever?!
♾ π Twin Ray (S)similarities?!/and unique differences (P)perfect (M)male/(F)female Union
♾ π 5D+ 5+ (B)body (G)guard(s)
I/we like to make people happy always
Infinite (Godly) words that I/we have/has ‘ever been’ spoken or written anywhere on/in the Earth and all throughout all of the Multiverses’s past present and future the eternal (N)now beyond all time and space
Joyful (W)words (H)happiness (W)written, (T)thought of (S)spoken of or (D)done ♾ π
I am/we are (A)ll (S)strong for (E)everyone (A)always
An Infinitely (S)strong (F)foundation for everyone everywhere on/in the Earth and all throughout all of the Multiverses’s ♾ π
(H)hold (F)fast ♾π
♾ π Infinite (S)sturdy/(S)steadiness for everyone on/in the Earth and all throughout all of the Multiverses’s
More profitable valuable important inspirational enterprises
No technology is as good you are or can possibly be to/for me/us ever past present and future the eternal (N)now beyond all time and space
“Finally Don you get me/us”
Not worried about/involved with earthly matters/problems, infinitely ♾π giving to and inspiring everyone on/in the Earth and all throughout all of the Multiverses’s
Work it on out
No (L)label(s)
I/we All Keep on writing to ZR + ♾ π(A)animation more and more and more
♾ π (D)daylight (D)dreaming
Can’t sleep can’t eat got it ‘bad?’ for you?!
“zeldta.com ZeldtaTech” For ♾ πeveryone on/in the Earth and all throughout all of the.Multiverses’s
New (S)stuff, (I)items (T)things, (I)information, etc.
No more (M)madness
♾ π Godly’ Scientist(s/z)
No more Dr. craft priestcraft anywhere ever on/in the Earth and all throughout all of the Multiverses’s
No more lawyer craft
witchcraft?! No
I/we close my/our eyes
Anything bad that has ever happened, anyone being hurt in anyway, it is now reversed as though it never had happened in the first place, through time travel even in dreams
Infinite (L)light equals (I)infinite (L)love
I/we take it all into consideration
“Hotel type full size pillows Amazon” search this, sent to Adam
Joshua P Warren Electrum?
“Gold silver tip copper wand Amazon”
Search manifest
Brass ‘gold silver’ search
Search on “electrum” smelt golden silver combination
Wand bronze 50% gold 50% silver
Joshuapwarren.com see picture of the
Custom made
Put out
attracts the like
Joshua P Warren master meditation class
12:30 PM tomorrow with Dr. M etc.
I am/we are All the guardian angels and archangels to (E)everyone on/in the Earth and all throughout all of the Multiverses’s