Monday, July 10, 2023

Text Mon. July 10th 2023

 Text Mon. July 10, 2023

Text sent today Mon. July 10 2023

Call Curt tomorrow 9pm, not tonight 

Call Adam tomorrow, Tuesday at 3 PM about the cards, Vista Print should have a record of the cards

8:30 AM with Jasmine Thursday, July 13 for laundry

Thursday July 13th 12:00 noon Dr. M, call Bruce at 3:00 PM Thursday

3:30pm Bryant

Flex craft


Norbelis giving an inspirational talk at the pulpit

A Whole bunch of vegetables with the person that said this is my mission

I was in a couple rooms changing

“the book wrote itself”

Keito weight loss gummies?


Some landlords can be quite very good

Infinite (P)pure (E)energy for everyone on/in the Earth, and all throughout all of the Multiverses’s


Call dad today at 4 o’clock or 5:00 PM

I have no distrust or doubt in you 

“You’re fine and you’re mine”

A smooth (L)light transition 

See if Heidi/or who else can take me to the vision specialist with my papers and to see if I’m a candidate for a corneal implant?

Echo dot 5th generation target $59.99

Amazon $29.99

10-12noon tomorrow subway, Tuesday free sandwiches?

See if I can get a screen door?

David Yandow

Conscious of everyone and everything 

I am 

Not just a destination, but a purpose 

“Sphere” like in Las Vegas, for the home

Enjoy music on a higher level

Fill my mind (subconscious and conscious) with loving, kind and the most ‘very’ inspirational thoughts 

Bonnie Tyler song  “holding out for a hero”!!! !! !

“Everything I need to know I learned in kindergarten, what did I learn in kindergarten?” Search for this

Everyone has now gathered all light

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