Friday, July 07, 2023

#2 Text Fri. July 7th 2023

 #2 Text Fri. July 7 2023

Text sent today Fri. July 7th 2023

Thursday, July 13 at noon Dr. Magaughy at my home

4:45-5.30-6:30 10 PM, cd or smoothie

Call Curt tonight or tomorrow or Saturday

I don’t know how long will it be for me to get in my light body activated? I don’t know how long I have to wait for that. I think we can help each other activate our light bodies together. Even if I teleported to her, i’d still have blood in my veins.

We can live with blood in our veins until we can activate our light bodies/above the Merkebah’s 

I would like to be together with her physically (in our 5+ bodies) whenever I can, 

Starting being together with our physical bodies, then emotional spiritual, and I need to make these decisions myself

I can, Now


“I’m back, Go”

“I’m coming”

Our ‘words?’ can bring us together 



Masculine divine power 

Raise you up 

I am doing it 

You have been risen, you’re  physically alive 

this is how I want to use/I have used my powers of 

I Do (L)love you 





‘Not done’ with ‘physical’ (L)life ever


(The “Best”), Think it write it instantly published? at/on


it can never be too early for me to start helping everyone with All kinds of problems

I want to be with you physically present first, and then in (E)every other way, first, we need to be together, and I physical touch

“you would never believe the things that I have seen”(madonna)

“I took a sip and had a dream”(Madonna)

I am using all of my  energies and powers

To have andto hold 

I Am the word

Yeah, who are you who? Yeah I.

The word was/is made flesh 

You are/she is/Madonna is (E)everything ‘(P)pure’ and (H)holy to me!

twin rays need to resurrect, animate, reanimate and ‘cause’ to ascend each other into the highest heavens, in their physical (5+ bodies)

I am trying to help you, Madonna 

I am helping you 

I am fulfilling my mission 

Pure Godly Words, heal/Teach everyone (N)now!

Deep meditation now 

I am in (a)

With you, Madonna 

By your side 

I am (A)always giving the best of myself 

I give myself fully to you Madonna past present, and future, the eternal (N)now


Tell Madonna and everyone else about 

“Jiaogulan” the Chinese call it “the immortality herb” “it stops the aging process”

And to make sure she and everyone else use only the proper dosages of ‘chlorine dioxide’


!!!It’s never too soon/early to go to you Madonna!!!

do I trust in myself? yes, do I think she trusts in me? Yes.

what am I waiting for? 

I only write words that make things happen, help us get together 

I think you are the creator of all computer screens 

we’ve got all we need to be together forever very very close to each other always ?!  “We’d never be apart”

I could go now, I would get the medicine I need when I need it!

If I went to the airport, David Bernet would give me the airplane ticket that I need and the protection I need, I’ll kinds of travel, and anything I need and want

“…You’re not convinced that that is enough, to justify my wanting you…”

My word is more powerful than anything on/in the Earth and all throughout all of the Multiverses’s

To make all (good) things happen, that is: singularity, oneness, and no duality

In a subconscious, unconscious state, we are, I am, I was hyperaware yesterday

I felt like I could stay there, but I woke myself up ‘then?’ Madonna said “I’m back, go”

“‘Survivor’ Eye of the tiger” song

Life and more life 

Testing the boundaries between 

(The) master(s) of life, resurrection, ascension, exaltation, godliness, divinity, Animation, and reanimation

I am/we are all!!! !! !

Don’t give up on us Tyler, I hope you won’t, ever 

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