Saturday, July 08, 2023

#2Text Sat. July 8th 2023

 #2 Text Sat. July 8 2023

#2Text sent today Sat. July 8th 2023


I am 

Ask Bryant Jenks the model names of his Fezzari Bicycles 

I wouldn’t be alive and thriving without you 

You’ve saved my life, thousands and thousands of times 

Since 1989 and before, when I didn’t know about it

I owe you my life, all of it


You have inspired me so many times mostly in subconscious levels without me even being aware of it 


You have inspired my words with your music and lyrics 

More and more all of the time 

More focused 

And filled with hard (L)light energy

Physically in my 5+ bodies 

I don’t want to insult your/anybody’s intelligence by repeating myself because of how knowledgeable and intelligent you ‘(all)’ are

You are a mystery to me, and I think you always will be 

Love is a word that does not express how infinitely powerful and godly I feel about you

My celestial divine ‘highest’ goddess in/on the earth, and all throughout all the Multiverses’s 

!!! !! !


You/me/we don’t need drugs of any kind(s)!!


! !! !!!

And if at all possible, we don’t need any medication’s of any kinds either

Like you said many years ago, you don’t need drugs, you’re high on life and music

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