Thursday, May 02, 2024

Text Thurs. May, 2nd 2024

 Text Thurs. May, 2 2024

Text sent today Thurs. May, 2nd 2024

The Divine IAM Presence

Alternative choices what could’ve happened, our Akashic records and everybody else’s

Infinite possible different outcomes from different choices 

The dream with Mark and Paul others 

I/we think Mark made/had a Time Machine etc. Or something, I was/we were able to fly really really fast then slow and then not much etc. 

Mark was with his ex? wife and family, etc. 

lots of powerful love energy(ies) 

11 AM shopping tomorrow Friday with E


Innerspace pressure release zeldta

♾🌞🎡🎢 Twin Ray Love Connection(s)

“Men’s leather white pants Amazon” google this

♾🌞🎢🎡 Inspiration  Light and Love

Peaceful calm relaxed inspired 

My/our first person experience in the musical “Once upon a Mattress ” as Prince Dauntless, march 1985, and how it affected everybody else?

Freedom to (L)love (I)infinitely

Deep (B)blessings 

Godly Incarnate 

♾🌞  Living (G)gratitude 


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