Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Text Wed. Mar, 20th 2024

 Text Wed. Mar, 20th 2024

Text sent today Wed. Mar, 20th 2024

Always you/us/we/our

Not just me/I/Mine

♾ 🌞🎢 Options, we all have 

We are all brothers and sisters eternally 

One family together forever

In Godly(L)love

Sharing all of the Multiverses’s 


Divine Ascension and (R)resurrection 



$3500 Apple Vision Pro 


Don Allen 


Donny or Donnie/Johnny? At Apple, Please share ♾🌞🎢

Also Products, staff, wands, transmitters, Scepter, necklaces bracelets castle, vortex bed All for around $20,000

And his friend in Sedona, Arizona Light Products around $100,000

New Apple ultra smart iWatch iPhone, 15 Pro Max



When you can confide in me/us trust in me/us enough, and believe in me/us for long enough time then we will get together ♾🌞🎢  When you feel ‘the time is right’,  when time is no more/no longer

Read each other’s minds

Sunday with RoMay and E at 2 PM?

I am/we are there with you in every video that you’ve ever made or has been taken of/with you


I/we already have so much content, what is the best way to get it to everyone, the most people as fast as possible

I/we feel your presence right now

We are putting ourselves out there for each other 

I/we always feel your power 

The schematics for building, replicators, duplicators, for each home house or apartment, and IVHFDPP, infinitely very huge five D+ printers and Each community and/or neighborhood can have these…, and also the Tesla technology at the end of the video “” “self-made”?  the size of a grapefruit, to power a home, a car and a flying saucer/space ship, one for each, eternal Free energy

This is where all the/a lot of the money will go 

Or we can just replicate/duplicate the resources to build/duplicate/or replicate all These things 


“All young (P)people/Children/and (E)everyone else (have found their own individual) Twin Rays”. And that’s what they look at together, each other.


Everyone’s Muse?

She is strong, valiant, sturdy, and stalwart 


We are/(T)they are ♾ (U)us/(T)them/(T)they

‘Her’ Condescension 

“With Mutual confidence”, “the highway designated by the Lord Jesus Christ?!”(a quote from my/our patriarchal blessing?!  “Will walk”)

“…choice and favored…”

Oh my gosh, you’ve got me/us on my/our knees

I am/we are humbled before you/in your presence

Uprooted and replanted?

Music to Calm my/our troubled soul(s)

Alan Parsons project 

In the (P)presence of (M)my/(O)our (L)lover 

Embrace, A Godly

I’m/we’re so excited to see you and meet you “for the first time”

We bow down to each other

Everyone, All


The God’s within each of us 

Having nothing else with to do 

We’d be different when we are together 

Something’s coming over me/us

I/we could walk over to Vladimir Putin and put on some Apple Vision Pro iglasses on him

And show him how to use them and make all his wishes and desires come true and infinitely more without hurting anybody 

All other world leaders also and everybody else

You’re/We’re born to be on stage ♾🌞🎢

All on/in the world/and All of the (I)infinite Multiverses’s 

Without you, there is no (M)e/(U)us

We all own and can travel all of the Multiverses’s with our Apple Vision Pro etc..iglasses 

Instant ♾ 🌞🎢🧬healing and

Instant  ♾ 🌞🎢 knowledge

And all of the best of infinitely Virtually/Real activated

“It would take A miracle of God”(a quote by Chaz Malibu Big 98.5 Albuquerque) e-books, and paper books

In every language on/in the Earth and all throughout all of the Multiverses’s 

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