Friday, June 14, 2024

Text Fri. June, 14th 2024

Text Fri. June, 14th 2024

Text sent today Fri. June, 14th 2024

I/we have powerful light energy on the phone 

Tim Cook “The future is now”

July 11th Barbershop on the phone 7-9pm


Infinite Solid Light

International Society of Lymphology

We all have the power to resurrect each other and ourselves?!♾ 🌞

But we haven’t yet activated that power?

You are now and ever will be my/our girl 

Together, looking outside (of) each other/and ourselves 

We all have found our true selves 

All people/beings in/on the Earth and all throughout all of the Multiverses’s are turning for me/us

Do not call Bruce after 10 PM 

One with My/our Godly (A)avatar(s)

I/me/we Avatar(s) ♾ 🌞

One big root system 

They thought that they were separate, but they are not 

One giant organism?!


Infinite Inner Space 



All I/we remember is this guy wouldn’t let someone use his house anymore? And someone disappeared inside of his fish tank with bubbles.


Next Tuesday at 2 PM shopping with E 

Call Heidi about vacuuming before Thursday morning 

Wake up early Thursday morning, inspection at 9 AM?

Emma will come over at 8:30 AM Thursday to check my/our clean apartment 

Laundry door code:


Use iPhone app to pay 

I/we don’t know how you did it, but you changed my/our life/lives infinitely more, for the better 

More powerful focus than has ever been thought of before 


Some of the Stuff I/we put away 


M-audio mixer


Large white light up shoes

Stuff I/we moved 

Large long white speaker 

Heidi and Mike will come at 2 PM on Tuesday to vacuum 

Throw away all of my/our old mail and garbage papers?

Do not call Curt tonight at 9 PM Friday 

RoMay will pick me/us up around 4:30 PM on Sunday 

Don’t change anything in my/our home, just change anything and everything ♾ 🌞 whenever I/we want to in my/our VR headsets etc…

Everyone is deceived, even if just a little bit, if they don’t have or who doesn’t have Fully (A)all of the (L)love (L)light and Godly (T)truth on/in the Earth and all throughout all of the Multiverses’s ♾ 🌞

We all have (I)infinite (A)angels (G)gods and ♾ 🌞 (A)all of the (A)ascended (M)masters, and All beings of (G)godly (L)light all around us to ♾ 🌞 support us bear us up teach us and heal us, etc. 

Lean upon my/our best written words, trust in my/our best written words, Always ♾ 🌞

♾ 🌞 (C)companionship with the (I)infinite (L)light

Pristine Sterile? planet

My/our ♾ 🌞 (E)energy and (I)inspiration for (E)everyone/All on/in the Earth and all throughout all of the Multiverses’s 

Infinite energy and infinite inspiration 

Modular homes with all luxuries and appliances built-in, built really fast

All with replicators and duplicators for everything needed

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