Saturday, April 13, 2024

Text Sat. Apr, 13th 2024

 Text Sat. Apr, 13th 2024

Text sent today Sat. Apr, 13th 2024


“Please The Eye and Gladden The Heart”

Apple Watch now on FaceTime

I am/we are not afraid to look good I/we want to

Allie Anderson Amazon Author Page

Get our OHS choir presidencies together and have them call or contact everyone who can get together to sing 

Maybe Joe can direct us and maybe we can learn some new songs

Everybody can get a Kindle or an iPad to read/learn the music 

I/we can buy these for everybody 

Or they could all use their smart phones 

Looking at the screen Horizontally 

“Like a virgin”

September 14 1984 MTV video music 


October 31st 1984 released

November 10 1984

Fri May 26th afternoon barbershop coaching by Stevie Dugdale, maybe at Byu?

we could learn a new song or two?

or 7 or 8 pm with Carl Dastrup to coach us 

Find out where we can sing together with him?  Let him know when we can get together as a quartet and he get together with us somewhere to coach us?

“Singing barbershop Harmony” Google this

Onetime lifetime fee

Stevie Dugdale is moving to Austin Texas for his Doctorate in “choir directing?” and/or “Music Education?”

Tell my/our quartet all about these guys

or also, maybe even John Sasine?

Or maybe even all three at different times?

 What is best for everybody?

Get a new Apple iPad?  Or get the old one working that I’ve/we’ve already got?

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