Friday, December 15, 2023

Text Fri. Dec, 15th 2023

Text Fri. Dec, 15th 2023

Text sent today Fri. Dec, 15th 2023

We/I don’t insult anyone’s intelligence

We all know (E)everything 

I/we bring ♾ light and ♾ peace wherever we go/are ♾ 🌞, “we are everywhere”

‘Pro’ relationships? 🌞


(M)more and more love (and Light), in my/our ♾🌞 words, whenever and whatever I/we write, continually progressing, progressive (L)love and Light ♾🌞🌞 🌞

I/We are all shining like like All of the ♾ 🌞(S)suns that don’t/doesn’t ‘burn’ anyone or anything

We are All one with all of these ♾ Suns

I am/We are always ‘all’ excited to see what I/we write and/or have written about each day

More words of ♾ 🌞(L)light 

“One”! ♾🌞’s 

With, Do, Be, All

Each one of us are/is “The/A House of the Lord”/♾ All ♾🌞Godselves

I/we all see the future, and I/we are all prepared for it

Search on ‘movies’ on/at, when I/we go to Bruce’s home

We all adapt to everything, any situation we are in or what is happening around us, anywhere wherever whenever on/in the Earth, and/or all throughout all of the Multiverses’s 


We all can see All of the (L)light, we are all, all of the ♾🌞 (L)light

Husband’s and (W)wives, we are ‘ALL’ trying to be the best Twin Flames/Rays to each other forever eternally immortally (G)godly

(W)we all (L)light each other up ♾

‘No more words?’🌞♾🎢♾πŸ›Έ♾πŸŽ‡πŸŒž

We all can read each other’s minds? 🌞

We all live each eternal and infinite moment /(all of ) to the ♾ fullest


Back to the future parts, two and three 

Running brave?

The witching of Ben Wagoner

Austin Powers movies

I/we will always own All of the rights to whether in electronic form or in hardcopy paper form 


My/our words, give us infinite power? 🌞


I am/we are all responsible for everything I/we say, do and write

and Think 🌞♾🎢♾πŸ›Έ♾πŸŽ‡πŸŒž♾


Zaccronia Zeltium Hi


Hi Back to you also

Infinite possibilities/realities, for all/everyone everywhere

impossibilities, possible


Everybody is an infinite important necessary integral part of the Multiverses’s 

We have all changed the past and made the present into something much more infinitely better than we could possibly have imagined and we have all changed our soul families, and made new soul contracts always whenever or/and as many times as we want or need to

MY/Our true Higher/highest selves are controlling me/us In other words I AM/We are controlling myself/ourselves 🌞🌞

Oh my Y, I/We love people I/We love life

Every day I/we take (part(s) of) all of the Multiverses’s and translate it/them into ‘written’ words, thoughts, ideas, (M)music poetry sacred geometry, 🌞 thought forms, and deeds 🌞

I is in about 100 languages and is customized for each people in their own countries/their unique customs, All ♾ applied to us/them, “The greatest success story”throughout all of eternity




“It’s official, there’s love, he loves her, there’s love in the air”(quote? from ‘the family man’ movie)  lots of peace and (L)light in this movie

We are all better than our best selves, better than we ever possibly imagined, Now ♾🌞

I/we choose us 

VR/ZR, infinitely ‘very’ memorable

Very hot very cold shower for activating the lymphatic system?!

Every part of your life/Lives is important to me/us

All of my/our dreams notes goals and and ideas have all come to pass, and are happening now in the present

Wherever I/we go and whatever I/we do and with whomever I/we am/are with 

I/we all know everyones strengths, and I/we can get along with anyone and everyone 

The (L)light teaches us all this ♾ 🌞

And brings it all to us, All of it real ♾🌞

If, and when I/we get a lot of money, all and more that I/we need and want, I/we know exactly what I/We will spend it on and I/we won’t waste any of it, until we have “No more money needed” (a text quote from

I/we feel everyone’s feelings and emotions?


My/our home is a television radio music, and virtual reality ZR  Infinite 🌞 Light studio

Also, ♾ safe pure energy 

Infinitely instant/instantaneous eternal healing and infinite Eternal Godly teaching 

We all connect to the ZR frequencies, harmonics and ♾🌞 energy(ies)

Infinite and eternal movements 

In Dance/dancing

Because of the infinite Light, we can all get along with anyone anywhere on/in the (E)earth, and all throughout all of the Multiverses’s 

And infinite Love 🌞 and divine eternal, infinite (U)understanding

I am here/We are here on/in this earth and all throughout all of the Multiverses’s 

I/we might travel in/on/ and around the world, and infinitely beyond, if and when my/our (e)book and blogspot gets to everyone out there?

Send a message to iHeartRadio for free, tell them what’s on my/our mind?

I Am/we are all eternally ready right now to give infinitely to everyone


All of My /Our words, resonate ♾ everywhere

The power, the infinite (L)light is flowing

G, do you want?


Access to Quantum technologies 

Quantum resurrection

We all each have infinite individual(ly) unique gifts to share with everyone  

♾ Senses, Unseen, unheard of, not/nor felt, or smelled/smelt not by any human only by Gods of the infinitely highest senses, by with and for, and only reserved for the (H)highest (G)gods all throughout all of the (H)highest Multiverses’s 

Nobody will ever again tolerate hurting each other/anyone anymore Ever anywhere

We are all ONE anywhere and everywhere on/in the Earth and all throughout all of the Multiverses’s ♾🌞



I/we are all forgiven from any mistakes and we are all forgive ourselves also ♾ infinitely! 🌞


No guilt, no shame only infinite (L)light and Love for ourselves, and everybody else also ♾ everywhere!

In my/our heart(s), I am/we are the (R)richest most wealthy/wealthiest, being(s) in all of the Multiverses’s ♾🌞’s

I/we control my:our sleep habits/rhythms

🌞 ♾

VR/ZR are freeing/has Freed? all of the minds of man/woman/(G)gods on/in the Earth, and all throughout all of the Multiverses’s


Vitamin A 

Vitamin B’s

Vitamin C super high doses of

Connective tissue

Vitamin D3

Zinc for acne



  Cure For sudden infant death syndrome

  Dr. Wallach

Nobody/no one can take your place ever throughout all of the ♾ eternities

VRZR is like turning on the infinite, divine celestial immortal, and eternal (L)light(s) in all of our minds and bodies

All of the greatest awakened minds are coming together with Apple Vision Pro 

Visionary and godly 

“Alexa, send a talk back” up to 40 seconds long, sent to

Huge infinitely large consciousness, we all have

I/we know every particle of existence, it’s all in me/my mind/our minds, infinitely small, infinitely large, and everywhere in between

All kinds of life, and All thought forms

Especially people, but including animals, plants minerals, and insects also etc…


Reanimate and remake all of your music, and change it all for the better where needed


Use Vidangel password?

I am/we are a collection and a combination of all of my/our prayers, and infinitely more and better

Find and/or get a copy of my/our patriarchal blessing(s)

I/we see infinitely beautiful, heavenly visions, with my/our eyes closed 


We all work together and all of us are Friends on/in the Earth and all throughout all of the Multiverses’s For the good of everyone and everything everywhere ♾🌞

Everybody/everyone who is reading this, we need your help, and everybody else’s help to put our efforts together, (to animate?!) and make real all the best of all the words at to infinitely inspire, heal and entertain everyone on/in this earth, and all throughout all of the Multiverses’s and also including all other Earth’s and all beings everywhere therein and infinitely beyond

Everyone is infinitely powerful in their own sphere of perfect divine celestial, immortal, eternal, (G)godly (L)light 

Crazy sane, we all are?! 🌞

You are all I/we see ?

This is the best Earth/planet 


Sleep number bed 

Imagination of infinite wealth/money/credit?

We always take care of ourselves and each other 

Everybody is the luckiest  ♾🌞

“All the world is a stage, everyone has a/their part to play”

♾🌞 lucky creativity


It’s all in the 

I am/We are all tuned in to everyone’s?!🌞unique frequencies, harmonics and energy(ies is.)

No paranoia, anywhere ♾ with anyone ever ♾ 🌞 infinitely

Connected 🌞

We are all steady and strong, and can be counted on 

Michael Steadman, The Crystal Ray store in Pleasant Grove Utah? 🌞

Reaction choice of 

Choice, how to react 

And attitude choice


167 or 165 E. 1600 N. 

I/we write my/our words then I/We live my/our words 

I’ve/we’ve covered everything, every topic ♾ 🌞

Cohesive cohesion all my/our cells together 

Friday next week at 1:00 PM shopping with Emma 

“Purely holistic magnesium taurate” Amazon, have Adam order this

♾ 🌞 Strength(s) energy, and enthusiasm

All of us More strong, righteous, holy and perfect

People in the highest places, the lowest places, and everywhere else in between are all reading, and internalizing all of each day ♾

No anxiety, stress or anger with for to and because of anyone 

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