Friday, August 11, 2023

Text Fri. Aug, 11th 2023

 Text Fri. Aug, 11th 2023

Text sent today Fri. Aug, 11th 2023

Thursday, August 17 at 1:00 PM with Bryant

After September 5 with RoMay to the canyon to take a walk or earlier if she wants/needs to

Call dad around 6pm Saturday tomorrow 

Find out the cost for the convention September 22nd and 23rd in Ogden, check with Barton Buell about a ride, hotel, and or driving back-and-forth, etc.


In a car with RoMay, I said I’ve been waiting to get an apricot, she give me one, it tasted good, in a/the car

1 terabyte Seagate cards!  Seagate Model # SRD00F1

Toshiba or western digital 

Ntfs file system Bruce uses

Exfat file system?  I could try?

Maybe try a different file system format 

Fat32 old way

My wisdom, my energy animation

More/All? ‘extended’ family pictures to my Instagram account

Beings of Celestial Light


I/We never ever fall Ever

We never get sick 

We are all continually gaining more (L)light We All have All knowledge/(O)omniscience, (U)understanding, (H)health, (B)beauty and (P)peace

Make a list for Adam and Curt and me about all the things I want to continue putting in my smoothies, good /best quality good/best  price online or Good Earth, they might have some sales?

Curt and others could do the same?

Using iridology for nutrition 

Garments of (L)light



Born in/under the covenant 

Sealed together/Sealing(s)

Eternal marriage 

Families sealed together forever 


The book of Mormon 

Doctrine and covenants 

Pearl of great price 


 modern day revelation 


Bodies/Temples of (I)infinite (L)light 


Preachers ?

“Severed from the ordinances”?

Who is who may be?

not true or false😍?, no good or bad😍?, instead, only (A)all singularity, Oneness, and no duality Only all ‘God’s honest😍(T)truth’,  (L)love and  (L)light

Singing a new song 

“A/the new covenant”

My/our covenant, Together as twin rays

We are all living ‘after the manner of happiness’

What are some possibilities on this earth?

See if Madonna wants to come to Provo Utah for/on her tour?


I Am

“We” are doing these things here below also, not just I, and/or I am but ‘we’ also all together:?

I am, and I now have changed everybody’s ‘bad’ karma to infinitely ‘good’ karma so that they don’t have to come back to earth and reincarnate again but instead be exalted, and go into the highest heavens for all eternity?  Only if they want to. To have celestial perfect bodies and create infinite(ly) new creations.?     Just an idea😍

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