Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Text Tues. Sept, 17th 2024

 Text Tues. Sept, 17 2024

Text sent today Tues. Sept, 17 2024


The truth of God is everywhere 

The proof of God is everywhere 

You’re (M)my/our (I)infinite (L)lover and 

  Infinite (H)healer

Hold your baby tight 

I (A)am/we are your baby 


My/our love is alive and I’m/we’re never gonna hide it again

Thursday 9 AM labs with Sawyer then

Appointment with doctor V.W.

Then Shopping with Sawyer or Friday?




Delicate sensitive, gentle ♾🌞 Strong heart(s) I/we all have

Healing now 

Kind heart of ‘gold’?!

♾ 🌞 Clean Cells of Godly Light

C. Wednesday tomorrow 2:30 PM, Subway, Byu, then Heidi

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