Sunday, January 21, 2024

Text Sun. Jan, 21st 2024

 Text Sun. Jan, 21st 2024

Text sent today Sun. Jan, 21st 2024

Pay $10 to Romay for the Himalayan salt next time I/we see her

It’s OK to love everything even technology 

Closer and closer, tighter and tighter we are getting 

I am/we are ripe?!


Five questions 

All of my/our best words have become real/reality

Infinite electric lightning contained inside of everybody’s cells/selves 

Just do the best you can, your/our  Godselves will help you/us do the animation and music on ARMRVRXR and ZR EYZ

Infinite (S)spectrums of Godly Light inside of everyone’s/everybody’s/every, and in All beings’ Individual’s Unique DNA cells, everywhere on/in the Earth, and all throughout all of the Multiverses’s to feed/nourish them, Give them Infinite Light, and protection

The (I)infinite (L)laws of Infinite Divine Godly (L)light ♾🎶🌞

Is/are what gives all things (L)life on/in All of the Earth and all throughout all of the Multiverses’s 

♾ Every (N)news Station source sharing

Infinite (C)cellular Light (A)activation 


“The Los Angeles Film School”?


Nothing can stop you/us

many multiple dimensions, VR/ZR movies 

‘THT’, movie title?

The Highest Thinker


All Limitless Love


ALL Limitless Light Eternal(ly) Now 


Loving Infinite Godly Heaven Truth


Full Infinite Light and Love

Western Digital 2 TB card online $60 


Perplexity Ai app

Live translate 

Live we are 

I am/we are a/the master(s) of words?

Digital trends 

The (S)spirit of VR/ZR is here

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