Saturday, May 27, 2023

Text Sat. May 27th 2023

Text Sat. May 27th 2023

Text sent today Sat. May 27th 2023 

Real time animation right when/as/while I write it/while I am writing this

Causes gets has makes

Save money $? for Rmd Sing convention September 21-23, 2023 

No! music 10 PM to 8 AM.!  What does that mean? Exactly. Can I have soft/quiet music in my apartment?  No?! I can use air buds.

Cyndie says it’s OK for me, I trust Cyndie

Also, my neighbors say that my music doesn’t bother them, actually one of them said I should play it louder

There are no limits on what prayer can do 

We/I can ask anything in Singularity, oneness and no duality, and it will happen/‘come to pass?!’

I am/We are ‘all’ behind, above, in front of, before, after and ‘with’/in ‘side of’ all of ‘my girl’s’ music 

I am/We are the most enlightened being(s) in the Multiverses’s? 





Everybody that reads this, please donate whatever you can so I can buy these Apple iglasses coming out June 5, 2023 for $3000

                   Any amount of donation will help 

                          a lot, please make a small 

                                effort, you will be 

                                     immensely blessed,


Donate at:





Don Allen



Try both of these to see which one works 


What is worth to you? 

Each day three new pages or so, it’s like watching an infinitely very very good different, unique(ly), condensed divinely, godly, immortally, celestially inspirational creative imaginative ‘mini?’ movie each night/day


For each and every individual customized for each person, uniquely inspired within each of us, for our own unique creativity

Everyone’s imagination will be/is sparked infinitely, and they can create their own ‘scenarios’ in their own mind, and use their own unique  creativity 

You don’t know how much a small donation will really make 

————————————————— “The (C)charity of all charities”.

Also, non-charitable, both 


“Leader of the ‘(I)illuminati’?”


‘In my’ imagination

“You should be here”(D.B.)


I’m doing the best I can. I don’t have a QRC code yet, hopefully soon I will, then you can more easily donate.  But for now, please (try to) type in the information:  





Don Allen


Soon it will all be “no more money needed” search on this, with everything created and duplicated, also search this: ‘IVHFDPP’ both of these type on the search bar at

Above and behind Zaccronia, new highest, ‘brightest?’ (L)light creations 

In the Multiverses’s 

We are all?/will soon be? ‘the richest?’ beings in the Multiverses’s 


of (G)glory

 Everyone can talk to God and Jesus, each one of us has a Godself above us, then our Christself, both as our higher selves, then both together in our human selves as one

It’s all within us All


The age of

I ‘now’ focus on ‘the best of’ that can be animated

ZR Creative Content for the new Apple ‘VR’ iglasses 


Extended Young/Youthful Zeldta

Sign up for YouTube Music unLimited $9.99 monthly

And Coast To Coast Am insider $54 yearly

 Ask Chris if he can help me do these things monthly/yearly?

I think I can use my own money for these things

All of the Eternities 

Nothing is complicated 



We are All ONE in/on the earth and throughout all of the Multiverses’s 



No more blood sacrifice 

A broken heart and a contrite spirit?


Everyone has Beautiful, Godselves and Christselves, making all of their human selves beautiful also 

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