Monday, May 29, 2023

Text Mon. May 29th 2023

Text Mon. May 29th 2023

Text sent today Mon. May 29th 2023

Can we pay monthly for the new Apple VR iglasses?

Shower for sure. Tuesday day and Friday morning.

Ask Heidi about helping me order some custom Moldavite, sing to her tomorrow, Tuesday, on her birthday

Saturday around 3pm with RoMay pleasant grove crystal

And blaze pizza

I have given them all, they have all they need to be independent from me 

Popsicles with kiwi, citrus, other fruit with good combinations, and also vegetable  Popsicles, Jiaogulan tea, peptides?, and astragalus?, with all of the pulp

Make my own and sell them also 

“Stunning new composite space images” google this

All of the ‘cosmic’ wheels are in motion, I have set all of them in motion?

“Righteous intent”


All of the best of animated, ZR

Zeldta Reality 

Going “(A)above and (B)beyond” what is expected


Above Melchizedek? Above Merkabah’s?

All of us

The most beautiful goddess divine being I’ve ever seen, like mother in Heaven

‘Above’ Moldavite, in my/everyone’s cells/selves

Jiaogulan, astragalus, and peptides, the essence of, and all other known ‘Live”nutrients/energy frequencies and divine celestial, eternal, and “immortal”! colors,  in my/everyone’s 5+ body(ies)/cells where divinely immortally Celestially and Eternally needed

Divine , celestial, immortal, infinite, Eternal (L)light!!!! For, in, and of everyone

Above all (G)gods and (G)goddesses?

The (U)ultimate (T)truth, (L)light and (L)love!

Continually rising above

Infinite? “Virtual Money?” $ electronically transferred?

Search on these again at “IVHFDPP” and “no more money needed”

We all Rise above all things 

We’ve reached the limit, we can’t go above these things:

GJ and the HG

Madonna, Don Howard Allen/

We’re not better than them now 

Just say you’re not them or that you’re not above them, that’s all. Be all that you can be with Don Howard Allen/and zeldta(.com)

Infinite Glory to all beings/Godselves and Christselves into their human selves, all as one

They will help us animate all of

I have been humbled today before them 

I’ve been shown some of my boundaries 

That I cannot cross 

God is still my father, Jesus is still my savior in many ways, and the Holy Ghost is still my teacher, guide  and also the best in many other ways, etc..and they are everything else “Good” also  in singularity, oneness, and no duality, all beyond words!

And in them I trust , GCH as one also of for and with everyone

I think I need to stop writing words and focus on the “”of Curt’s initials.

You, they will guide me 

We/You/I live and breathe and move 

. it’s going to be a good easy, simple transition.

“We will help you”

“We want you to be with us”

“I m/we? want to be with you too/also”


I might have to turn off all my lights and computers. Including my smart watch, and my smart phone.  I might not be able to use them anymore/again.  My body might not be able to handle the EMF electro magnetic frequencies.


Infinite Light Body(ies)

M, for all

‘Manipulate?’ energy spheres 



Send a link to AFFS email of the 2 terabyte cards and the 16 terabyte cards?  No?

Everything everyone needs instantly materializes for them wherever they are (or in their home?), then dematerializes when they don’t need it anymore

I am god and Christ of myself 

Not YHWH or Jesus 

I have my own words, I don’t need to quote any movies or music?

“you’re cute”(quote from a movie?)

You have/She has basically covered every subject, and so have I?

The library of Congress, access it


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