Friday, May 12, 2023

Text Fri. May 12th 2024

 Text Fri. May 12th 2023

Text sent today Fri. May 12th 2023


Cam scanner, take pictures, etc. of handwritten notes etc…


Evernote, he’s heard good things about this

Call Thomas Miller Sunday. Maybe he’ll come to my house and he can teach me how to do this.


YouTube music premium, upload/upgrade to on my Google Home smart speaker?

‘Unbridled?’ safety for everyone



“Immortality herb” n China 

Buy by the pound 16/17$

Morning, afternoon and evening 

With peptides to 

20 deep breaths  that stay little dizzy for two to three minutes do this once a day,  never get sick

Viruses etc. Cannot exist in a highly oxygenated environment.

Dr. Otto Warburg 

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