Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Text Wed. Feb, 26th 2025

 Text Wed Feb 26 2025

Text sent today Wed Feb 26 2025

I am/we are the master all of the best most important inspirational useful (F)fun computer technologies especially Apple computers?!

It all comes easy to me/us and is second nature 

Always learning better and new computer technologies and apps 

It’s what it is 

Enjoy the journey 

The (S/s)word of the (S)spirit

Share all of the (L)light with (I)infinite detail and ‘Good?!’ positivity with Everyone on/in the Earth and all throughout all of the Multiverses’s 

“with a positive twist on everything?!!”

I/we step up for everyone 

Infinite “  ZeldtaTech”(L)light (W)weaving of it/them (A)all (T)together 

  ♾  🌞  ‘New’ Neural net(work(s))

Continually building upon 

I/we like to look forward to things, Good Fun (G)godly and (D)divine 

My/our own hands healing all over my/our own (B)body(ies)

Timing is important, timing is everything?!!

Full essence 

Make the most of Earth life, our time on 

♾ 🌞 Confidence in each other, friends 

Touching is (G)gold (en)

 ♾  🌞  Golden Light touch 

At a Distance far or close

No one is ever lost. We are all always found

A show about people who have flown flying saucers and been activators of Merkebah’s also, and have made content therein to put in VR and especially ZR for everyone to see and experience with all of our (D)divine senses

New, godly, divine content in all kinds and types of media, with (L)loving (T)true (L)light

Cold Hard (G)gold/cash/Cache

Cache Valley, Utah, where my/our dad Elijah was born ?!

Feel the silky touch of my/(O)our caresses helping you/me/us feel so brand new 

I’ll/we’ll create a look that’s made for you/(U)us

(E)everything “I/we write and do” is (N)new 

No snowflake is the same 

None of us are the same also

  ♾  🌞   DNA



3 or 4 PM Friday with RoMay, insider and maybe send her the two links?

Laundry passcode:  3445

“Teaching a machine to think” (quote from “WarGames” movie 1983)

What is the God’s divine (L)lifestyle(s)? 

what do they or (W)we do? 

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