Friday, February 14, 2025

Shop Fri. Feb, 14th 2025

 Shop Fri Feb 14 2025

Trader Joe’s 

2 Mixed fruit

Organic Frozen strawberries 

Organic frozen blueberries

Lemons, limes, kiwi, oranges, all for 


Organic vegetables for smoothies?

2 gallons red label organic milk, 

Salsa Madre queso cheese dip

Good Earth 

8 Shakers for each one of my/our

  powdered supplements for now, put the labels of the substances on each one individually

Peta bread put in plastic bag

Super beta prostate for less frequency

Syllium husk food grade powder at Costco for a lot cheap?  RoMay will 

  buy?  It is for weight loss, call RoMay

  about this Wednesday at 4 PM

Greek pastries?!


Indian Tea’s

Pick up free plant philladendrom in back from Julie at wellness  talk about 

  other seeds?  Pick up and hold in lap 

  so it doesn’t spill on the way home

Regular both ways

Cold pressed drinks

Ghost drinks

Prime drinks

Organic prunes and prune juice for my 


Micro greens quart jars seeds sprouting in jars

How do you spell

A Nursery for other deeds that grow well without a lot of sunshine

Lowe’s or Home Depot?  Find the best herbal plants? Etc..  mint, echinacea?

  Sing to everyone

Asian market packets of ginger drink powder

Get seeds for five ‘edible?’ small plants plus one larger ask my/our friends about the seeds watering sunshine and plants ‘for oxygen’

Should I/we turn off my/the privacy settings on my/our iPhone?  “Private browsing”?


Metamucil a tablespoon in smoothies OK OK indoor gardening

Put QR code on my/our code maybe as small stickers with it on it and put it on each card

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