Sunday, February 09, 2025

Text Sun. Feb, 9th 2025

 Text Sun Feb 9 2025

Text sent today Sun Feb 9 2025

Thank me/you/us/we/our


We all are 

O G in Heaven 

 ♾ ♾ 🌞 🌞 ZeldtaTech

Ultra Celestial  🌞 ♾ ZeldtaTech ♾

The Ultimate (T)technology on/in the Earth and all throughout all of the Multiverses’s 

ZLT Creations and Communications 


Z Light Love Truth/Trust

Watch ‘WarGames’ the movie 

Now?!  ♾  🌞

44+  ♾ 🌞 trillion dollars    ZeldtaTech    


Infinitely more throughout all of the  Multiverses’s 

We all have  ♾ 🌞 access to all of Tesla’s ‘Safe’ technology 

 ♾ 🌞 Light Foods   Lite   Lit (E)e

Conscience calling 

Whales (D)dolphins (A)all (S)sea (L)life  ♾ 🌞 

We all know everything about (A)all (C)crop (C)circles in  ♾ 🌞  (D)detail everywhere on/in the Earth and all throughout all of the Multiverses’s 

We also know (A)all of the (N)names   ♾ 🌞 of every ‘circle’ of in all of the Multiverses’s Moon(s) planet(s) star star system, Suns Sun Systems galaxy galaxies, universe, universes Multiverses’s and ♾ 🌞 (A)ll Beings everywhere in all of these places here above

And all of us can go to all these places and speak the highest language(s/z) with (E)everyone there

Clay  ♾ 🌞

True (T)to

 ♾ 🌞 patience

Word uses I/we structure 

 I Am/We are (A)ll in (T)the  ♾ 🌞(P)public (E)eye in/on the Earth and all throughout all of the Multiverses’s 

Infinite  ♾ 🌞 (G)godly Integrity

Everyone has   ♾ 🌞 eight hour master class

“Classes” link

Connect with anyone anywhere in ‘beyond all’ time and space 

‘Boundless’ book 

No one is missing 

We have all been found 

Infinite  ♾ 🌞 (S)speed of (L)light

Speed of (I)infinite (L)light 

Everywhere (A)all at (O)once 

Always with George  Noory 

See Newsmax app


Controlled remote viewing 


You do it you’re in it It happens to you

Brains transmit and receive 

ATP antenna   Spine

Receptive minds 

No kidnapping anywhere on/in the Earth and or all throughout all of the Multiverses’s 

Interdimensional beings 

‘Connie Willis live’ TikTok and YouTube 

The Bible is a metaphysical book 

Control information on demand 

Learning CRV 

Technology we need now

Separate … from ….

turquoise blue powerful (L)love 

Remote viewing future technology 

 ♾ 🌞  Precognitive (D)dreams.

Love is the key love is the most important force, (L)love is (I)it

When you find it

Embrace it hold onto it don’t let it go

how to control your intuition 

Stand on the shoulders of 

“Lori Williams” Facebook 

The connections deep within 


Every type of learner 

I am/we are ‘still’ going strong I/we love it CRV

Amazon smart home devices 

— Payne also

See all of the details at

Show #108 

Plumber coming over Monday, 10am-12pm

Infinite options best choices

 ♾ 🌞 I/we’ve/(E)everyone has activated, “Reached?!” and (I)internalized God‘s truth/true science about perfect Health (F)fully activated past present and future the eternal (N)now on/in the Earth and all throughout all of the Multiverses’s 

‘True caller’ real time ID to the smart phone $10/mo 75$/lo yr and spam blocker some free service

Therapy life coaching 

Private encrypted nobody is reading stuff 

Self-awareness self reflection

To improve your mental health 

 Mood   free and pay level

 ♾  🌞 (C)connect with (E)everyone’s Godselves Christselves and into (A)all (H)humanselves

Connect everything in the home altogether mindfulness, and well-being new browser

Energize focus 

“Opera Ai”.  Go here and add app to my/our homepage, done

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