Friday, February 07, 2025

Shop Fri. Feb, 7th 2025

Shop Fri Feb 7 2025

Trader Joe’s 

3 Gallons Organic milk, the best 

  tasting, red lid

Organic nacho cheese

Danish yogurt

Good Earth 

Cold pressed drinks 

Prime drinks

Ghost drinks

Jalapeño avocado oil chips

Get food, grade powders, etc., for 

  better ((M)movements)?!

More ‘food grade’ powdered supplements instead of regular supplements?!

Magnesium Taurate for tremors? or   

  something else better? This one for 



Ashwaganda …yes



Lions mane

Psyllium ‘husk?’ Food grade powder or 

  something else better for fat/weight loss, 

  protein and high fiber vegetables, for/

  in smoothies

Rhodiola not in stock?

Powdered, etc., supplements for better movements, etc.


   Vitamin D3 5000 units per day


COQ 10  Energy heart immune.

MSM anti-inflammatory


Melatonin and magnesium Taurate/. glycinate

nitric oxide?  Referral

NAD NAC supplement


Copper small amount 


Go to ‘relevant books’   including herb Bible/vitamin Bible 

Asian market trade in soup for aloe drink and green onion pancakes

Ask Sa…. about how to turn on and off with my/our remote my/our iPhone 13 on my/our table to record myself/ourselves, also with terabyte card storage onto/connected to my iPhone 13?

Ray Ban Prescription?!

Garbage liners

Ham radio class, new radio from Mark

Rayban reading glasses, etc. 


X Real

New VR/AR headset soon Ai

Gold silver tip copper wand 

“Hydrogen generator”

copper coil pillow?

“Grounding pillow case” plug into ground with

Put “All of?!” my/our songs on again?!  they will promote me/us etc…

Practice with the QR codes

The Machine that Steve told me/us about

Check out the furnishings and amenities at Ashley‘s 

Tachyon clothing etc…

Do I/we have an account at bitcoin etc. and how do we check how much income we’re having on bitcoin and PayPal?  And how do we use them to pay other people?

Post everything here tonight

What does Metamucil do? 

Set up coasttocoastam ‘insider’ with RoMay 

“This beautiful fantastic” movie “Chosen series”

Call Tim Thursday’s 9:45pm or 9:50pm

 ♾ 🌞 Reach reaching(s) reaches reachable reached!

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