Friday, February 21, 2025

Shop Fri. Feb, 21 2025

 Shop Fri Feb 21 2025

Trader Joe’s 

Fresh raw Mixed fruit chunks

Pizza vegetarian

Trader Joe’s, blue corn chips

Organic filtered honey

Belgian milk chocolate bar with 


Plant fertilizer food for all of my plants

2 gallons Organic red label milk

Good Earth

2 Knudsen’s Organic prune juice

Saw Palmetto?  For prostate, etc..

See if Kachava All-in-one nutrition shake,  is Food grade for Horizon, try it I think it is I hope it is, “it’s Food”

And can it take the place of all of my/our 10 or 15 + different supplements or which ones? in pill form??

Fresh raw orange juice and carrot 


Cold pressed drinks

Maximum Vibrance “all known nutrients”. Try this also in the machine card reader.

Also see if they have the good combinations of different fruits and vegetables and proteins, etc.

Give them a picture of both pages

Vitamin D

Omega 3

Some of the many powders?

Some Fresh live raw produce in great combinations, that lasts a long time in the refrigerator etc…

Are there any new really really good (P)products in great combinations?

Glucose, the right amount of in our bodies 


Build up of 


Nutritional foundations for all of our   

  ♾ 🌞  (L)light (B)bodies (A)activation(s/z)

Plastic bed cover to blackout mattress fumes Smell 

I (A)am/we are all of the best of and ZeldtaTech  ♾  🌞

I/we speak it All also

Think do 

 Have become

Flying instantly everywhere  ♾  🌞

Asian market aloe drink 

Put the $30.60 in the bank UCCU

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