Text Thurs Feb 20 2025
Text sent today Thurs Feb 20 2025
We belong together with each other
Loves Embrace
I/you love you/me for you/me ♾ 🌞
I/we/you need you/each other/me
I/we feel you near me/us in my/our presence
We need to be together
The best of all of the past present and future, the eternal (N)now is always present
“When our love falls, we won’t let it die”
I/we Express myself/ourselves in many many ways
(D)dancing (S)singing (M)music (A)art (W)writing (L)loving (S)sharing (B)being (I)imagining (C)creating (D)designing (B)believing (W)work(s) (D)dreaming Through (K)kindness) (B)being (H)happy being an example (D)doing (H)healing (G)godly works (L)light architecture and constructing of
No repression
You are all of my/our best luxuries
Com fort
Com for t
Comfort able
Com fort able
The best and better than all/most of all technology
I am/we are All the ♾ 🌞 Word of God,
The ♾ 🌞 ‘iron?!’ (R)rod
I/we want to see your face light up
You want to see my/our face light up because of all the beautiful places we go together, that I’ve/we’ve never seen before
I am/we are controlling everybody anyone each other to not hurt everybody anyone each other, any and all kinds of life forms
We all (L)love each other one another
You want me/us
see all of coasttocoastam.com for links to today’s show websites and relevant books
sylf.com Regenerative medicine.
Theabundancejourney.com ♾♾🌞
IAm/We are all the (M)masters of (F)full (B)body ‘adult’ stem cell technologies?!! ♾ 🌞
For the brain and heart and (A)all of the other (O)organs and (A)all of the (C)cells in (A)all of our (B)bodies
Douglas in ‘Nashville?’ Memphis eyes?
Single injection
Dr. Gregory Lawrence
Stem cell transplant
No pain
Extracellular matrix
Scaffolding, cells, and signaling
International stem cell clinic research
Dr. Goldberg?
Nano Technology with stem cell technology
So restorative
Injection dosage with ‘the right environment’
Energy medicine
Cell’s understanding of
International or US clinic
Peptide therapy using amino acids
Turn on switches, brain help fatigue tissue muscle building
Tissue recovery including eyesight
Knee restoration Las Vegas
Frequency medicine and other generative medicine
Stem cell regenerative
“Five steps to activate your abundance” book
The abundance ambassador
Fall in love with our own lives
You are perfect because of your imperfections
No damage spiritual awakening
Let go and have fun and be playful
Continually being able to grow and learn
Play your heart ‘out?’
It starts as an inside feeling
Abundance is gratitude in action
Living right now, the richness of this moment
Relationships amplify who you are
When you deny your power, your power is denied to you
You are more powerful than you can imagine
Choose and decide and desire
Emotional energy in every word
Words make a massive difference
You are a blessing you are blessed
The divine is continually showering you with all kinds of
Abundance means “more than enough”
Valuable appreciate who we are
Gazillion angels to help us, ask them for their existence
Everything around us
Blessings that surround us
For angels
Imagine that you have already what you want right now
Surround yourself in the experience so much that it’s normal for you
Desire relaxed then it begins/becomes to flow into your life
Concept to tangible/physical
How to show up as you committed to
Celebrate your progress
Internally resource(d)
Confident capable
Ideas solutions opportunities
Taking action towards the things that are meaningful in your life
“Connected” book
The 3° of influence rule
Friends, friends, friends
Social scientists
We are guiding you you are guiding us
You control your standards
Energy is … gratitude
Celebrate life
Unfolding abundance
The five love languages
Corresponding to “‘the’ (F)five steps to activate your abundance”
🌞 ♾ Party
When you’re ready and open receive
Open your heart allow messages
Welcome to the divine opportunities conversations
The Divine is eager to serve you
Engage senses
Give what you want first
Give freely
Generate abundance
The world
Grateful curiosity, fully engaged, really present engaged
Reaching out Challenges are opportunities to be more resourceful
♾ 🌞 Infinite contagious, love joy, and happiness
look at different ways money can come to you. Be resourceful
Use the word divine instead of God
Love is all there is
— gratitude for
God is pure love
Step forward, expand God that’s how we grow
Grow and expand and become greater
Collect superhero cartoons
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