Friday, February 28, 2025

Text Fri. Feb, 28th 2025

 Text Fri Feb 28 2025

Text sent today Fri Feb 28 2025

Very inspirational links here, below three


Take off my/our glasses and look into the camera with my/our face in the middle?


  ♾  🌞  Star Charts in everyone’s mind(s)

Plutonic (L)love 

Everyone is beautiful in their own way 

GodSelf Hands Pressure massage and the (L)light fast brushing and or “stroking?!” all over our bodies/skin


Homeopathic’s and stem cells (B)bodies of whole (L)light 

The proper use of energy 

♾  🌞  Brain power 

♾ 🌞  loving, kind, healing words

Just enjoy your life every moment of your life 

I/we Materialize on any star system or planet and anywhere else all throughout all of the  Multiverses’s instantaneously individually and or (A)all (C)collectively whenever we want to or can help people or (A)all beings anywhere/everywhere whenever in all of these places

All of my/our (W)words at   ♾  🌞  focused and clear in my/our mind(s/z) (A)always 

We All have an ♾  🌞  constant (S)steady (S)stream(s/z) of (L)light in (I)infinitely all directions and in all  ♾ 🌞  distances

 ♾  🌞  so many different ways to move

I/we choose to be in the (L)light I/we choose to (L)love 

All knowledge of all of the ages on/in the Earth and all throughout all of the Multiverses’s past present and future the eternal Now is combined now into each one of us and all of us  ♾  🌞

 ♾  🌞  Accept it receive it embrace it believe it think it say it sing it love it become it be it do it let go always progressing into

Ultimate ZeldtaTech 

All for everyone on/in the Earth and all throughout all the Multiverses’s 

Fun progressive inspirational

Impossibilities made possible 

I/we/all of us (N)now write think and speak in/with(in?) the Multiversal/Multiverses’s language(s) above the Adamic (L)language 

The entirety of the Earth and all of the Multiverses’s is all infinitely clear and focused/in focus in my/our eyes in the smallest largest and everywhere in between particles  ♾  🌞 (T)true/(C)correct (I)imagination

 ♾  🌞  All you/we are and more 

Once we know it, keep it live it do it be it



Awake Strong and Alert 


Energetic, infinite endurance 

Put all of the powders in mason jar’s and mix them up and put scoops in my/our smoothies?  Or in the Ari bottle and others close to the same 

VR ZR with all of the higher highest Divine Godly senses

Maybe listen to Coast To Coast Am insider on my/our MacBook Air computer 

Or can I/we use it on my/our iPhone and still be able to text at the same time on my/our notes while listening?  Probably

Detailed frequency patterns 

We are all where we should be now 

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