Monday, February 24, 2025

Text Mon. Feb, 24th 2025

 Text Mon Feb 24 2025

Text sent today Mon Feb 24 2025

No one is ever confused unfocused unhappy or unfulfilled when they have  ZeldtaTech inside of themselves and when there’s a fulfillment/fruition of (A)all of these two things +  ♾  🌞  for each unique being on/in the Earth and all  throughout all of the Multiverses’s 

The maximum potential uses of VR/VR

  ♾   🌞   ARMRVRXR and especially ZR

Dream this morning 

You were interviewing people in a separate room and I was/we were waiting in the other room for a while

 ♾  🌞  Fix at ion?!!?


“Multiversal Pictures?!


Multiverse sis

I Am/we are In tune with the sunshine and all of the stars everywhere and all of Gods Divine Light  ♾ 🌞 + (I)in and (A)around all of the Multiverses’s 

“Cherish the love we have”


 ♾  🌞  Sunshine Everywhere 

Sun worshipers?!   ♾  🌞  (S)sun (B)bathing

I (A)am/we are in the (M)middle of (A)all Divine ‘Godly’ (O)orderly Music everywhere on/in the Earth and all throughout all of the Multiverses’s 


I am /we are so happy to be alive and to have so many good friends 

I am/we are the epitome of inspiration 

By the (W)words of my/our (M)mouth(s) are the (W)world(s) and (M)multiverses’s and everything else is there in C)created  ♾  🌞

Do not resist anything good, ‘resist everything bad’

Only accept all singularity oneness and no duality

Everything is   ♾  🌞  (L)love

Love is (E)everything/(A)all we (N)need 

Everything is a positive Divine experience 

 ♾  🌞  (D)divine (L)light 

I/We don’t/no one gives into peer pressure only unless it’s  ♾  🌞


Only  ♾  🌞 Movies/Media (A)all about (I)infinite Divine (L)love sharing and between with (A)all (T)twin (R)rays and ‘Godly’ Inspiration Instant Healing (K)knowledge and  (T)travel anywhere in/on the Earth and all throughout all of the Multiverses’s 

The (I)infinite  ♾  🌞  (G)godly (D)divine (L)love of (T)the (F)father and (T)the (M)mother 

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