Text Thurs Oct 31 2024
Text sent today Thurs Oct 31 2024
Alex 11, 11:30 am tomorrow Friday shopping
See coasttocoastam.com for yourself every day?!
This is a breakthrough from what I was/we were doing before when I was/we were just posting the websites
We are all inspired in more and better ways
♾ 🌞 higher quality media, access to
also renewed
davidsereda.co etc. “Resurrection frequencies “
We ALL always rise above everything ♾🌞
Your ♾ 🌞 flame is rising/(B)burning (I)infinitely (B)brighter and (B)brighter than ever, in every one and All of your 60,000,000,000,000+ cell(s) in/of your 5D 5+ (B)body(ies)
Everyone’s also
“(T)those are (R)resurrection and Ascension words” at zeldta.com?!
“You better think of me”
(W)we ALL ♾ 🌞 better think of you
Immortality and eternal (L)lives for everyone
Godly countenances for everyone
♾ 🌞 Pure (R)relationship(s) of (L)light, (L)love and God‘s (T)truth
The ♾ 🌞 best is happening (N)now not later
Everyone/everybody everywhere is included
no one is left out or excluded
You are always attractive to me/us and always will be
The Whole of the United States is as (O)one
It’s my/our turn to (S)save (Y)you (N)now
Bring (E)everything to (L)life ‘again’
This is how I/we (D)do (I)it, through (W)words
Full immersion, animation of zeldta.com
Everybody go to your oculus quest two or meta quest three or the new one or Apple vision, Pro and go to YouTube and listen to watch and read all of Madonna,’s songs and music videos if you haven’t seen or heard them before, fresh and New for (A)all
Start up all over again
You prepared the way for ♾ 🌞
Come inside it’s warm inside
That’s where my/our love is
I’m/we’re open and ready
I am/are attached to you
Every particle of existence is ‘unique’ (G)godly (L)love and Divine Light
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