Friday, February 24, 2023

Text Thurs. Feb, 24th 2023

Text sent today Thurs. Feb, 23rd 2023

Make sure I wash all of my towels on Thursday when I go to the laundromat and also take my bleach so I can bleach the clothes that need it

Call Curt again sometime tonight maybe probably around nine or 10 PM

My refrigerator and freezer are full. I might not have to get hardly anything at all next week at Trader Joe’s shopping.

“UFO edition” google this

“iss” google this     google 

“Rick Mccallum” search Facebook

August 4th 2023


Ein Sof “the endless one” or “unending”, “no end” or infinity in the Kabbalah

Google “Ein Sof”

When does app on a Mac side-by-side? Windows, “paint”“notes” cut, and paste 

Mac track pad

Zfas.       Identification.

Text 2 Sat 11

— publish all? Ask Heidi later tomorrow? Or

Do these again and press “publish?”

—-and Heidi will help me post pictures once I’m good at text, new posts, cut paste, etc.

—-post each and every day , real time? only what is relevant for everybody.

? Other stuff keep on posting on my “notes”

—Check on to see if this is working 

Publish From Nov 17(16th?)to Feb 9th(10th)

Skip the shopping list. Delete my “passwords” lists?

Put Venmo at the top and others at the top that I want to share mostly, where the money is going etc. IVHFDPP

Put/get All of the wheels in motion and let them control and govern themselves/and keep themselves in motion forever

Only call Ron Beach once a week on Wednesday’s, he’ll call me back when he can, text him if/when needed.  If I call him too many times and he doesn’t answer that means he is in a meeting or busy and he has to pull out his phone and it interrupts him.

lunch with him on (it, and) March 8 at 12:30 PM

Nobody lets hurtful, damaging, unhealthy, imperfect, or negative energy(ies) inside of their sphere(s) ever past, present, and/or future, the eternal now

Infinite, Celestial consciousness 

How important is it to me? It’s all important, Being with her!

“Body Fortress”  your body, your fortress 

Words of power words of (L)light 

I am revisiting all of my words and past texts and getting them inside of my heart and mind again fully 


I am and have gotten a (taste)/glimpse of what can possibly be 

I am enjoying the fruits of my past labor

Product, I have a product 

My words are now most potent for healing and teaching, infinite ‘All’ healing, and infinite ‘All’ knowledge, both together, instantaneously.  And all Infinite Light and Infinite Love for everyone everywhere instantaneously also, All forever sustained, never to fail

I hold everyone up so that they cannot fall 

This is my power 

They comprehendeth it not

(no, I come around)?

The light shineth in the darkness, and the darkness comprehendeth it not me

We all raise each other up 

It’s not too complex, it’s doable though 

Maintain (the (L)light)

I build upon what I’ve done in the past, but/and I don’t repeat myself mostly

Because I don’t want to bore people, etc.

Line upon line precept upon precept here a little there a little …. Brighter and brighter Until the perfect day.

I also don’t (want to) insult people’s intelligence 

Don’t force it, let it come, let it be, let it progress, let it happen, let it become, let it materialize, let it celestialize, let it ‘gel’?, Let it produce, let it be perfected, let it become infinitely (G)godly, and then become all of the best words that are/I have ever written

They don’t/won’t/We Don’t/we won’t let any of the negative words that have ever been written, happen again, be copied, Repeated, replicated, I or duplicated ever again past, present, and/or future, the eternal now

Everyone is having DavidSereda’s same experience at will from December 22/23rd? 1986 but a little bit different because their DNA is different 

Go to and follow the instructions of how to do this



So much light and love and the highest spectrum’s everywhere 

?people can’t distinguish who/where it’s coming from, it’s all mixed up?

But everybody, everywhere is feeling it individually

I reap Divinely and Celestially  etc…what I Divinely and Celestially  etc…sow with my efforts 

I exalt and inspire Madonna infinitely past, present and future the eternal now, no matter where we are, anywhere

I love her the most 

Why do babies cry? What are they trying to say? 

See the class from Oprah about this explaining it.  Learn What the different sounds mean


Brina‘s concert at the Covey Center, Friday at 7 PM RoMay will pick me up what time? RoMay got me a ticket, she got tickets

RoMay and I will talk tomorrow morning sometime to see if she can take me to Bruce’s home around 2:00 PM or 2:30 PM

I would love to go, I’m so excited

I can make all good things happen, so can everybody else the powers within me/all of us


If any of these movies have anything not good in them/it, I change it to All good in my mind, or I just have to watch them again/anymore?

Oh, I’m the best uncle, in the Multiverses’s?

I connect with everyone’s (L)light everywhere and I magnify it exponentially to everywhere also

I am in the ‘Zen’ zone right now and I want to stay in it, forever?


all of these texts below are from Madonna

“…Everyone must stand alone…”

The secret that I hide, Will I grow old?  if I ran away, I’ve never had the strength to go very far. How would they hear the beating of my heart?

Beauty is where you find it 

La Isla Bonita 

Last night I dreamt of San Pedro 

Eyes like the desert 

“…apostles?, but they are not…”


She’s really having some shows that I know for sure, 45 shows. July 15 through January 6th I think.

Are you here alone? yes oh yes 

Everyone builds upon what they’ve done in the past and they grow instantly learning from their mistakes, and learning/they learn from the mistakes of others.  And they also and especially learn from the good things they do and that others do also, and build upon that/those things also especially.

I am bursting forth with the highest love light and divine celestial music and sharing it like the brightest sun(s) in every direction for everyone, all kinds of people everywhere, all of creation of all kinds

I’m feeling ‘fine’ I am having a great time, a lot of fun, here by myself with infinite light and love beauty and peace, etc.

I’m glowing extremely brilliantly

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