Text Wed. Aug, 7th 2024
Text sent today Wed. Aug, 7th 2024
I am/we are prepared always in every way
♾ 🌞 Physically and (S)spiritually
Every particle of existence infinitely small and all other sizes touched by and into the highest (G)godhead, male and female
I/we All have a ♾ 🌞 Foundation of (L)love (L)light and (H)happiness u
Infinitely 🌞 beyond all possibilities and impossibilities
Infinite and eternal forgiveness for all beings everywhere on/in the Earth and all throughout all of the Multiverses’s, through Jesus Christ Yeshua, the body and the blood?
Infinite (B)blessings for everyone everywhere on/in the earth and all throughout all of the Multiverses’s
Infinite (H)healing for everybody on/in the Earth and all throughout all of the Multiverses’s
Divine (G)godly (C)celestial
Everyone into infinite happiness and joy
infinitely no cruelty only ♾ 🌞
No sadness or grief
No guilt or shame
♾ 🌞 (R)repair
Prepare prevent reverse
We are all Infinitely defying gravity all over in/on the Earth and all throughout all of the Multiverses’s
♾ 🌞(D)design
Don’t ridicule, criticize condemn find fault or cast blame to yourself or anybody else
No fear, anger, loss of temper, holding grudges or resentment
I/(W)we have no and we are All free from any offense towards God or Man
Forgiveness, charity, and compassion for with from in through and towards everyone on/in the Earth and all throughout all of the Multiverses’s
N…. c.. o. s… a……. t…. e… e… I. t…… e… w…. w……. a.. o. a.. k…. o. m….
I am/we are all not ashamed and we are also all free from guilt
We are all all free from (D)dark (N)negative (S)spirits, frequencies feelings, emotions desires powers energies and ‘especially’ dark and/or negative health thoughts of any and/or all kinds
I and my girl/We are infinitely (G)godly connected with a portal conduit and celestial tunnel of ♾ 🌞 Perfect Celestial Light beyond all time and space
And the same with all twin rays, with all of our God selves and Christ selves fully activated in our human as a ♾ 🌞 Energy vortex above in and below each and all of us
Everyone on/in the earth and all throughout all of the Multiverses’s all have perfect Godly ♾ 🌞 (D)dreams Unbelievable, impossible? yet possible and real
The infinite (L)light is all around us and in us all shining in all ♾ 🌞 (D)directions and in all ♾ 🌞 (D)dimensions and all in the best ♾ (G)godly Light Spectrums
No one is (n)or can be depressed or sad
peaceful, loving, and kind to self and everyone else
♾ 🌞 strengthen/strengthened, ♾ 🌞 my/our legs my/our arms and all of my/our bodies, on and off on the mini trampoline/lymphasizer
You can rely/count on me/us, we are (A)always here for you
Soul (R)repair
Twin Ray attachment, ha ha ha
Rise above all my/our movies and pick the best ones for me/us to watch
Infinite “(H)hope?! And beyond” For everyone on//in the Earth and ♾ 🌞 all throughout all of the Multiverses’s
I have/we have ♾ 🌞 put ourselves (A)all back together
An (U)urge to 🌞 ♾ 🌞 (H)heal (T)teach (S)share and (L)love
I have/we All have
All a part of a work with ♾ 🌞 more to come
Our/God’s infinitely detailed understanding of the human body, the Christ body, and the (G)god body(ies) and how they all/it all works in Harmony(ies)) (D)divine (F)frequencies and Godly (E)energy(ies) which each of us/we All have all of as part of (D)divine (I)intelligence
I have/we all have an infinite respect for all life everywhere on/in the Earth and (A)all throughout all of the Multiverses’s
The best thoughts, imagination, and creative ideas about each person/of/for us all/everyone
The (I)Infinite (D)divine (C)celestial (G)godly (I)immortal, (P)perfect P)present
I\We all live in
I can/we can all Fall back on/upon? everything zeldta.com for anything we need want desire and/or pray for ♾ 🌞
♾ 🌞 “(I)integrity” (A)all (I)infinite (F) foundation(s)? of
Celestialized everybody in all forms of media books, movies, music, art, design, etc…♾
“…new worlds”(Star Trek)
L. Ron Hubbard
♾ 🌞 new civilizations
Infinite (G)godly (S)spiritual (D)Divine (M)mathematics “(C)celestial” (S)spiritual DNA?! Now ALL (R)revealed
Celestial (M)mechanics
♾ 🌞 Godly inspiration for all beings everywhere on/In the Earth and all throughout all of the Multiverses’s
She’s my/our girl, you’re my/our girl the one for me/us ♾ 🌞
I am/we are all/or can be invisible when we want to or need to be
The (V)value and (I)infinite worth of all souls everywhere on/in the Earth and all throughout all of the Multiverses’s
We feel it
Infinite “(G)godly” physical and physicality we all have and are
I/We (A)all (L)look with (I)infinite (D)divine (C)celestial, (I)immortal, perfect, wonderful, majestic, exceptional, Healing/perfect Health (I)immaculate, (P)pure (G)godly (L)love/Charity into the (E)eyes of (A)all people/beings on/in the Earth and all throughout all of the Multiverses’s
The ultimate infinite eternal question is “whose imagination is more powerful?” Mine/yours/together is better/the best
I am/we are (A)all the ‘Godly’ infinite source(s) of All (L)love (L)light and all Gods/Godly Truth(s)
Love and Light information in all infinite details of and in infinite ‘Godly’ remembrance
We (A)all have the (I)infinite (H)happiness, of Celestial Godhood
The infinite/infinity God connection, we all have a/(T)the
I am/we are all the designers, creators and maintainers of all amusement parks etc. everywhere on/in? The Earth? Including water parks, Disney World, Disneyland, Six Flags etc., even the small ones/parks
What are all of the (A)attributes of God(s) and (G)goddesses,(M)male/and (F)female
Dr. M 1130 AM Thursday tomorrow, get a prescription from him for ivermectin
E shopping 1 to 2:30 PM Thursday
C Thurs 2:30 PM August 8
Heidi 4:00 PM
Call palmettopublishing.com sometime soon
Overcome all things
Our (O)own (B)body(ies) 5+, 5D+
All kinds of computer technologies
Organic matter, food produce supplements, etc., vitamins, minerals, nutrients, etc.
Anything ‘The Best perfect Godly’ patented
All kinds of (G)godly (L)light (F)full (I)immersion, (A)animation, VR/ZR etc…
♾ 🌞 Light Strike (H)here (N)now
♾ 🌞 (L)light (B)breakthrough? Forever, eternally celestial divinely, (G)godly.
“……. invisible”
Scepter/(A)archangel +?
Rod staff wand?
invisibility cloaking serum in the blood?
(A Beautiful Mind, The Movie)?
One can ‘see’ the invisible and/or one can ‘be’ the invisible
Don’t (A)anyone ever fear (G)godly/or (H)heavenly (P)powers and/or (A)abilities of (A)all (K)kinds
“Magic?” (I)it/They may seem to you to be/as being
Everyone, honor it imagine it also believe it trust in it receive it Embrace it accept it, do it and be it/become it also
Ha ha
(O)only the (I)infinite (H)healing (L)light frequencies energy and harmonics (E)everywhere (A)also
For (E)example: “not harmful microwaves”
What’s going on/happening in the highest heavens?
Free/freedom from all sin(s)
Everything is new again
“All Access”
Everything free flowing in/from the Multiverses’s into each persons bodies
ALL free choices for everything in the Akashic Records
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