Text Fri. Aug, 16th 2024
Text sent today Fri. Aug, 16th 2024
Celebrate ♾ 🌞 (L)life ♾ 🌞 Everyone’s lives ♾ 🌞 Each and (E)everyday
We (A)all
I am/we are all beyond earthly Language(s)?!! ♾ 🌞
In my/our ♾ 🌞 world(s)
I/we don’t want to be (a) part of that/those dark world(s) or negative worlds, do you?
Instead, I/we all bring infinite Godly (L)light to them
I/we have you, you’re mine/ours
Infinite Godly (L)light in/on around the Earth and all throughout all of the Multiverses’s
Especially for ALL (B)beings (H)human and ♾ 🌞 (M)more
Rock (G)god’s
Gods of rock
Rock God
I am/we are (A)
we ‘All’ salute you
Facebook.com coasttocoastam ‘like’ button
R Reality and VR Virtual Reality Etc…
Wil Weaton audio books?
“Martin Armstrong” search, Computer Program
“Astute and sensitive”
Invest in?
“Dr. Michael Hudson” YouTube?
We All have ♾ 🌞 Our own Individual Unique Godselves ♾ 🌞 (F)fully Activated
Ai “seem(s) to be intelligent”
Beyondbelief.com Tv Show
Play fighting
“If you’ve seen me, you’ve seen the father”(Yeshua)
We are the same, we are one?!
Joshua wand
Hope spirit box
An infinite voice of reason
To Vladimir Putin and Benjamin Netanyahu? Etc..♾ 🌞 “stop fighting stop the war Now”, the voice(s) in your head(s) says this:
Everyone stop all wars on/in the Earth and all throughout all of the Multiverses’s Past present and future, the eternal now, All beyond all time and space
All of us in the prime of our lives forever Celestial infinite Eternal and immortal
Wizard Of Weird
Infinitely 🌞 (F)fertile/(P)potent
infinite freedom for (A)all for infinite self Belief Growth improvement progressive possible impossibilities ♾ 🌞
All of zeldta.com ♾ 🌞 shared for/to/with/between/because of everyone/everybody on/in the Earth and all throughout all of the Multiverses’s
Dr. Michael Hudson, SoundCloud.
Connections with zeldta.com all over in/on the Earth and all throughout all of the Multiverses’s within the (E)ethers and all of the Akashic records for every person etc.. including All computing technologies, smart phones, etc., etc., etc. and infinitely beyond With for of and in every being there in
Everyone can give me/us ‘proper’ credit for creating and continually updating all of zeldta.com but at the same time you can own it all and liken it all unto yourselves ♾ 🌞
The Power of the mind/our minds is Infinite
“Godly free website creation’ search on the Internet for this
I/we Make believe that I am/we are with you in every way
Can you/we/I use/leave the B3sciences.com bands for the arms and legs on all of the time/always? Can somebody put them on all by themselves?
Also, can I/we wear my/our next GEN abs all the time?
The Eternal Presence of All of the (L)living God(s/z) on/in the Earth and All Throughout all of the Multiverses’s
Stop any and all kinds of aggression before it starts, on/in the earth and all throughout all of the Multiverses’s
Karen and Arthur, committed to each other. It’s a beautiful thing.
How do I/we post zeldta.com for everyone on my/our Facebook page to see? And infinitely beyond
And so that everybody that tries to contact me/us on Facebook can see zeldta.com
Twin flames/twin rays ♾ 🌞 calm? each other down
We All Stand Strong and sturdy?
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