Friday, August 09, 2024

Text Fri. Aug, 9th 2024

 Text Fri. Aug, 9th 2024

Text sent today Fri. Aug, 8th 2024

Text everything to Bruce’s Hotmail account 

Fantasia case Manager shopping Tuesday

Call Joshua P Warren


Monday, August 12, 2:30 PM with C.


♾ ๐ŸŒž Forgiveness, (L)love (C)charity and (C)compassion for all beings everywhere on/in the Earth and all throughout all of the Multiverses’s 

Yeshua’s ♾ ๐ŸŒž Eternal Atonement 

All are alike unto God 

“Every little thing that you do, i’m hung up on you”

The Best choices for/All in front of everyone for them to all choose, the (B)best ones

Ask where all of their book publishers went to publish their books that are the best and free?  Where is the best place to go, with the best editors also?!  Maybe who I/we can call or contact?


A course correction 


Hi back 

♾ ๐ŸŒž All (A)access to the Akashic records The (E)eithers/The (B)book of (L)life

and to use it/them infinitely in anyway, wanted desired duplicated or needed for the perfection of the human body mind and/or in infinitely ๐ŸŒž other ways all added to/unto ourself/ourselves/yourself/yourselves


I/we all lean upon our ‘own’ imagination 

Jason,, Elliot. Beverly Hills

Package details offer publishing $299 

Will call me/us Tuesday afternoon 

Email back my/us email address 

Start at $50 

Etc. chapters… 

Maybe 2 volumes

2/10 minutes

Call sometime before Tuesday afternoon 

Maybe edit out  “six”etc..

And  “Password’s”, etc.

Maybe call Elliot or Jason on Monday when I’m/we’re with  C.?

Call Adam Monday about this 

The Essential(s) of

use again?

(y)you are preparing every day/moment of your life , ♾ ๐ŸŒž beyond all (T)time and (S)space

Every cell in all of our bodies is a Multiverses’s

All of our voices with (I)infinite (E)energy, (H)harmonics (F)frequencies and ALL of the Divine (S)spectrums of (I)infinite (L)light

I Am/(W)we are never done (C)creating

all peaceful, calm, and steady creating

Cover the Earth, in the Earth and all throughout all of the Multiverses’s 

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