Sunday, March 24, 2024

Text Sun. Mar, 24th 2024


Text Sun. Mar, 24th 2024

Text sent today Sun. Mar, 24th 2024

Where’s the Love?


♾🌞🎢 (E)echoes of Eternity 

Everybody on/in the planet earth and infinitely beyond throughout all the Multiverses’s is living like a trillionaire and much more with the infinite imaginative ‘Godly’ positive uses of VR/ZR etc…technologies

Everybody can basically own everything in their own version’s of ‘their own’ Multiverse(s’es?)

Infinitely free to imagine and to write etc… Wherever I am/we are 


And To ♾🌞🎡Live in every way flourish/be fruitful, to be and to do 'In the best ways possible' Anywhere and or everywhere on/in the Earth and all throughout all of the Multiverses's

♾🌞🎢 Love towards all, malice towards none

Everyone/everybody a friend to all

All of my/our words are for all, healing, learning and travel

He is genius, has ingenuity, and is very resourceful 

Everyone is safe 

Uniquely mine/ours

We’ll/(W)we’d never fight

Wow, you’re in person, you’re real 

Wednesday, March 27 11 AM with C. Roeger?

I’m/we are ♾🌞🎡 (A)alive and (V)viral

Oko app?


Other world computing

Ariana Grande new song “we can’t be friends”, about technology?

Extra monitor, Hooked into my/our MacBook Air?


Total solar eclipse April 8th, 2024

“The planetary Society website”

I/we put infinite particles of life, light and love into everything and into all infinitely small particles into/of/with everyone

Google app, “identify a song by singing it”

Tap the microphone “show notes”

Where there was sin there is Now Only (I)infinite Love, Light, Joy, Happiness, (S)satisfaction, and ‘Godly/God’s’ (F)forgiveness 

Wiki voyage

Name your own price 

Airplane tickets 

See richontech.Tv Show notes 

Scroll way down on ‘handy travel websites’?

Infinitely bigger/smaller than All of the Multiverses’s, small, large, and everything in between


 Magnanimous inspiration

We are together always 

Infinitely empower everyone everywhere 

Share the  ♾🌞🎢 wealth, share the glory


Energetic, energies, inspirational, infinite, inspiring, healing technologies, realities 

“Luxury so fine”(Madonna) Oh

Above everything written, said, imagined, or even talked or thought about 

Help everyone have ♾🌞🎢  better lives 

Real, I am/we are/you are just being

No, why is it?


“The servant is the greatest of all”

I’ve/we’ve done the best I/we can on my/our own 

Healing inspiring letters 


She knows me, you know me


Special, unique 

As innocent as a Mermaid 


No words!?♾🌞🎢♾πŸ’–

♾🌞🎢 Protect her/your virtue and innocence 

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