Friday, March 01, 2024

Text Fri. Mar, 1st 2024

 Text Fri. Mar. 1st 2024

Text sent today Fri. Mar, 1st 2024

See Emma’s text for others

Tasks, to do list:.


Dollar Tree? Hairbrush

Three pair reading lessons strongest pair, 350?

Get my/our iPad working

Two factor authentication


Apple media player VLC?

Keyboard speakers guitarband,, the best infinite Celestial 

  and ♾🌞 better sampled sounds     download   torrent 


2pm Appt, Mon March 4th with that guy attracts all leaders everywhere and everybody else Everywhere, to attract and activate (A)all Godselves, Christselves and all (H)humanselves everywhere ♾🌞🎢

Activate All infinite light, love and inspiration 

There are no more particles of evil infinitely anywhere 

I/We don’t waste any time ever past present and future, the eternal (N)now

Relax and confidence 

Infinitely Animated, (L)light, (L)love and (H)health for (E)everyone 

Infinite (G)godly/God/Christ (M)meditation(s) for (E)everyone Everywhere 

Nothing is misunderstood 

Back shoulders neck head 

My/our thoughts about everything

Just right in time 

We are all Always in our (B)best (P)parallel Multiverses’s 

Interesting (I)inspirational (E)entertainment 

when I/we speak, I/we speak Godly uniqueness into ♾🌞🎢🧬every soul ♾ everywhere

♾ Flowing Light


♾🌞🎢🧬All Words 

I/we infinitely know how the body works 

The ♾🌞🎢🧬 5D+ Bodies 

A New Level of LifeForce/Chi

I am/we are attracted to you and/in all your ways of beauty and life 

Accept the best present reality hope for more

Some words/Thought (F)forms are never to be even Thought or spoken 

Cancel ads on iPhone

No one can add any darkness to our life/lives my life/lives

Words are (A)all (T)thought (F)forms

All Infinitely (G)godly areas of Celestial (L)learning 

Duplicated, all of the (S)singularity Oneness and no duality. ♾🌞🎢 “Light” in all of the Multiverses’s duplicated for every being on/in the Earth and all throughout all of the Multiverses’s 

An Infinitely amount of Pure Love and Pure (S)sunshine 

Everyone has

Google this “How to send emails on my iPad”


♾ Way above and Beyond Fluorescent and 


Strict and steady better food habits always, the best fruits and vegetables combinations,, with great supplements, etc. smoothies

Life is both (S)strong and (D)delicate 

Madonna, You’ve got Male

Everything best for you/Us

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