Monday, March 25, 2024

Text Mon. Mar, 25th 2024

 Text Mon. Mar, 25th 2024

Text sent today Mon. Mar, 25th 2024

Find out how to Change the font from yesterday‘s text Sun. Mar, 24th 2024 at back to the original, in case, I /we need to know in the future?

All Godselves control the infinities for good singularities, oneness, and no duality

Need and want 

We will be/are our better selves better than ever when/now that we are together 

I am/we are the creators


The floodgates of negative energy are closed 

♾ multifaceted Love

I/we have infinite unconditional love for you you have unconditional love for me/us we have unconditional love for each other, and everyone else on/in the earth and all throughout all of the Multiverses’s, like the ♾🌞(S)suns, shine in ♾ every direction(s)

♾ Love, without (L)limits 

Out of everybody, I/we would be the most surprised to be with you when it happens,

For us to be together 

“…break through all of the barriers that have kept us apart”(Contact, quote from the movie)

Initiate(d)? ♾🌞🎡

By your side 

I/we want to be 

Listen to and watch the same songs, music movies, (A)animation all of the earth, and all of everything (A)all throughout all of the Multiverses’s 

 Ha ha

You’re funny, I/we love you, can you hear me/us 

We can all materialize and manifest ANYTHING we want and need whenever we want and/or is necessary for us to do so for ourselves and for everybody/everyone else

on/in the Earth and all throughout all of the Multiverses’s πŸ™‚

We are Just only/always being the ‘best’ (G)godliness of myself/ourselves 

Oh, this is good the (L)light is increasing ♾🌞🎢 quickly inside and outside of me/(U)us

You are the infinite female influence Presence energy and I am/we are the infinite male influence Presence energy on/in the Earth and all throughout all of the Multiverses’s, Both Infinitely complimentary 

The understanding and knowledge of/for immortality is here (N)now 

I’m/we are going to be in the park this afternoon and activate my/our Merkebah +?

White light sphere

Ha ha ha 

Wayne and Garth “excellent party on”

Bill and Ted

Bill Preston Esquire

And Ted,Theodore Logan 

There is only (O)one in the Multiverses’s, we are (O)one

We are ♾🌞

I Am he/I Am she/we are us/They?

Keeping us under control until we can ‘acclimate’? to the power we have


‘You are a’

Someone, one person that loves me/us

“I’m not religious, but I feel such love, it makes me want to pray”(Madonna)

‘Real’ igious ?

♾🌞🎢  Musical Clarity, Big 98.5 Greatest Hits, Albuquerque, NM

“Favorite Radio Station”



“Alexa, send a talk back”

Specify radio station, then leave a message 40 seconds?

(share your favorite)

to your favorite, IHeartRadio personality


Infinite numbers/amounts of people/beings on (I)infinite (E)earths, S)suns, and (S)star (S)systems, etc.🌞🌞🌞♾♾♾🎢🎢🎡

I can/we can read the minds of all beings/people in/on the Earth, and all throughout all of the Multiverses’s 

No one will ever drown especially you past present future the eternal now

No more lawbreaking no more lock up, freedom and safety 🌞🌞🌞♾🎢

♾🌞🎢Forgiveness and Eternal mind-body purification

Erase the ‘primal mind?’, The mind other than singularity, Oneness and no duality, and replace it with ‘Godly’ thoughts

My body(ies) cycles, rhythms and functions are becoming more refined, improved and better 

You “All” have (I)infinite (L)light of your own, (I)infinite Godly (S)spectrum(s)♾  πŸŒžπŸŽΆπŸŽ΅πŸ§¬πŸ‘©‍❤️‍πŸ’‹‍πŸ‘¨πŸ—£️πŸ‘«πŸŒŽπŸŒπŸŒπŸ›ΈπŸŒΈπŸŽ‡πŸ’–πŸŒΉπŸ™‚

Your (M)mind, (F)face and (B)body(ies) are (A)all lit up with (I)infinite (L)light (S)spectrums ♾🌞🎢

We all control all of our emotions for what we want/desire them to be 

I/we bring happiness and joy wherever I/we go and it follows me/us and surrounds me/us also everywhere

Wednesday, March 27 CBS show about AI 

Joy and love for the whole Multiverses’s because of my presence 

There is no corruption in politics or anywhere else 

“…In their moment of need that they want what you want, but they don’t”(Madonna)

“If you have to ask for something more than once or twice, it wasn’t yours in the first place”(Madonna)

“Pick up the phone, hang up the receiver”(MDNA)

“Who is sending the fax?”(Madonna)

I am/we are finally coming in on the top 

I/we want to give more 

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