Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Text Wed. Feb, 28th 2024

 Text Wed. Feb, 28th 2024

Text sent today Wed. Feb, 28th 2024

Possibilities impossibilities     All Possible 

Mental order 

♾ balance and variety

Respect honor and love 


New trition 


Peace, calm, fun and enjoyment 

♾🌞🎶Being Happy/happiness for (A)all


♾🌞🎶 (C)clarity

She’s the strong one 

Youth keep the older ones alive 

Posterity gives ancestry life 

“Mathematics is an art form”

1:51:00 close encounters of the third kind quote by CSWest “fantastic….”

all new forms of creativity 

Sing the song “Spencer” to Spencer 

Search on “the best stem cell therapy”

My/our (S)superhero Character(s) can resurrect everyone and does instantly

39$special Romay referral 

109$ 4 treatments

I/we give myself/ourselves to you you give yourself to me/us both fully

Songs to sing:

And if it so be

I’m happy 

Little white church in the valley 

Infinite Free Form/(F)freedom of Thought

Consciousness, (G)glory 

(A)above (A)all Human (C)creativity 🌞♾🎶 

♾ beyond all human thought forms

Protective of (A)all ♾🌞 life ‘forms’ everywhere on/in the Earth and all throughout all of the Multiverses’s 

I Am/we are

All knowledge in one pack/package

I/we help everybody from the peripherals of my/our bodies, nothing harmful negative or destructive ever gets to me/my/into our bodies/beings/beingness/Life/Energy/Self/lives/selves/Energies, Godselves Christselves or Humanselves, I Am/we are (I)infinitely protected in every way


God realms Communications

Infinite intellectual resources

♾ above all human art forms

Above All light energy and love

Edison, Einstein, Tesla

The (G)gods of (E)everything/All Things 

♾🌞🎶 Life Forms

Tools for ♾🌞🎶 Godly Creation 

The Highest Lines of Light

Infinite smooth Level transition

Couch trip?, A beautiful mind, K-Pax

Call Apple tomorrow 

Loving kindness to/for/from (A)all 

Get my/our iPad working

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