Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Text Wed. Feb, 14th 2024

  • Text Wed. Feb, 14th 2024

Text sent today Wed. Feb, 14th 2024

I/we feel fresh just thinking about going to New York

Happy Valentine’s Day to you all πŸ’–

Dollar tree store in Provo small/tiny screwdrivers for eyeglasses/reading glasses?

Dr. M 9:00 AM Thursday morning tomorrow 

Spencer 11:00 AM Friday morning 

He said he’ll take me/us to other places if I/we want to sing to people, whenever I/we want to.  I/we can relearn a lot of the Barbershop songs and other songs that I/we can sing and write some new ones and some with my/our 150 pages of lyrics ?

February 28 10 AM doctor appointment 

   review at westpark

Emma is going to text me/us tomorrow about when she’s going to take me/us to the bank 

My great great grandfather,

“My/our guardian angel”, information about:

Levi Allen, b. 1 April 1842, near Nauvoo where the family had rent a farm from Levi Springer, a Methodist preacher. He was so kind to them that Andrew Lee named his last born son after him.


10 times faster Google ? By Feb. 17th

Tolkien Book Publisher: ?

Sponsoredillustrationjeeves.com › 100%_approval › book_publishingLeading Book Publishing Agency - 100% Net Royalties & Ownership

Google this:  “Book editors and publishers”

I/we write/think/imagine my/our own (R)reality, past present and future the eternal (N)now 🌞🌞🌞♾πŸŽΆπŸŽ‡πŸ›ΈπŸ’–πŸŽ΅πŸŒΉπŸŒŽπŸŒπŸŒπŸ‘«πŸ‘©‍❤️‍πŸ’‹‍πŸ‘¨πŸ™‚πŸ§¬πŸŒΈ

Call Curt at 10 PM tonight, Wednesday 

Everyone is living the highest level of reality 

We all know (I)infinity 

The Infinite 


A new form of existence a new reality

It is so important that I am/we are healthy and strong so I/we can influence others in the best ways possible 

Pull the best, bring the best of everything out of the top 


A league of their own 

Use my/our iPhone 13 with all of the songs that I/we know with the lyrics so that I/we can read them on it 

Make a compilation and a list of them all maybe with some melodies and sounds in the background that I/we can listen to, to back me/us up, and accompany me/us while I’m/we’re singing the songs 

When I/we sing you/we all can hear all the voices, instruments, percussion and synthesizers in divine (G)godly harmonies/(H)harmonics, frequencies, and energies, all ♾πŸŒžπŸŽΆπŸ›ΈπŸŽ‡on/in the Earth, and all throughout all of the Multiverses’s, in all of the volume(s) most pleasantly, Godly, and most ♾ creative, imaginative and inspirational 

With (I)infinite Godly subwoofers and tweeters

and everything in between Godly Soundz

Healing and (S)safe 

Masterful, (I)infinite, (G)godly, divine celestial, immortal, incarnations of (L)light 

Wonderful positive awesome 

There is no veil I/We see all dimensions and (A)all (C)creations/frequencies

All subtle things from everyone everywhere are always (D)divine and (G)godly ♾🌞etc…

“…Melodies of (C)celestial (G)glory”

“…Let the melodies of Celestial glory grow into your sight”(my/our lyrics)

Songs (C)celestial 

I am/we are Always in an Infinite Constant (D)divine (I)immortal telepathic (C)celestial (T)telepathic (C)connection with you Madonna 

I am/we are getting Stronger and stronger, more focused 

Relationships are reciprocative

I’ve/we’ve known what I am/who we are and who I am/who we are for many many years (N)now 

I am/we are the best beings ever in all of (C)creation/(E)existence 

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