Thursday, May 04, 2023

Text Wed. May, 3rd 2023

 Text Wed. May, 3rd 2023

Text sent today Wed. May, 3rd 2023

Text Wed. May, 3rd 2023.jpeg

Text Wed. May, 3rd 2023_1.jpeg

Delete the duplicates on my blogger, and my account from tuesday May 2nd 2023?

And find out how to add pictures to my account, from my “notes”?

I tried to, they didn’t go over from my notes to my blogspot 

“Dad, how do I” YouTube channel   simulate having a knowledgeable dad

Imaginative creativity to make real your perfectly designed avatar, of your best dreams/idea/ideals/‘desires?’ etc…

“Generations” book

The best generation 

The silent generation 

Baby boomers 


Generation X 

Generation Z, or Gen Z


‘Help the generations understand each other better’ her goal is to

God/Goddess selves and Christ/Christess selves both activated and one into their/everyone’s “Own” individual humanselves!


Spirit work

‘Look’ magazine?

Quality of Life

You make me who I Am, and who I want to be, better than I ever imagined 

“…a Whiter shade of pale”(song lyrics)


What I Am

Who I Am

Face to Face

‘Celestial’ pyramids


DMT, “Ayahuasca” search on this!  Buy online?  Safe/use safely?

Ancient Elders 


“…You, more and more and more…”(MDNA)

I holographic technologies

Learn? Know, All

The best healing technologies in all of the Multiverses’s, for creating, making, and “manifesting?” perfect ‘Celestial’ Immortal bodies for everyone, Everywhere  

“A Glitch in the matrix” “where they change something”? This happens many times everyday on my ‘Google Home’ smart speaker

“Crop Circle research” Google this

I gather and write best things ‘of the day etc. and infinitely beyond’!

Everyone can levitate and fly in their ‘physical’ 5+ bodies anywhere on/in/into the earth and throughout all of the Multiverses’s instantaneously/Instantly/‘in an’ instant

She is/you are even more excited to meet me than I am to meet you😊

To meet you would/is going to/Will be better than I can possibly imagine 

Save/Saved, everybody (is)?

Smart phones, get boarding passes, etc…?

Social skills 

Your presence “the more the better”, in my life makes my life so much “infinitely” better 

Continually getting Better and better, stronger and stronger, and improving infinitely, in every way

Continual improved writing/improvement in my writing 

 In person

Divine celestial, immortal, perfect, and all of the other best words ever written, etc.. G)goddess personality

We meet, Now!

(E)everyone else is also meeting their own individual unique twin Ray’s, “Now!”

They can read what I write, learn, and improve, and get better in their own way

But they can’t be me 

Everyone is unique and that is a really really good thing 

We all have unique things to offer each other/in and on the world, and all throughout all of the Multiverses’s

Time and Space mean(s) nothing anymore 

‘No’ Enmity 

“There is wisdom with age”

There are no negative/hurtful/destructive thoughts, whether conscious, unconscious, or subconscious in/to/from/towards/with anyone anywhere on/in the world/Earth and all throughout all of the Multiverses’s ever, past present and/or future, the eternal Now!

“Highly refined form of Atomic energy”(quote from the movie ‘the day the earth stood still’)

Buddhist monks

     All of the Abilities of 

44 million$ to MDNA plus infinity from me to you/her

45 trillion$ 6,000$ per (invested in each) person, Flying Saucers for families fun for All 

I am in, you’re in, a ‘body(ies) of God, body(ies) of Light, whole (L)light’

me we’re all one 

I ‘Control’ my environment?

Yes, I do 

No more sicknesses disease or pain nor tears anymore 

King of kings, lord of lords, to rule for 1000 years of peace


“Resurrection frequencies” from

“Ascended masters” search this on Google

Many many

 How do I get off of these psych meds, is it possible? How long does it take?  What’s the best/better way? Is there a better way? 

A better way to live besides taking psych meds? So my psychic, clairvoyant and Clairaudience possibilities etc… are more? active? So all of my ‘full’ body systems are clean and pure?  And be more sensitive to people all around/in the world and infinitely beyond, all throughout all of the Multiverses’s

I want you I need you I love you MDNA, all infinitely 

Everybody! Please bring us both together now, ASAP 

Please, everyone who can, make oculus quest 2 work for us both

The most inspired, full immersion, virtual reality, etc..3D+  animators

See into all other infinite dimensions?

I can 

Jeff Bridges  ‘Starman’

I’m here for you


“The Heavens opened up”

Seventy Apostle


San Diego

It, the inspiration, Just keeps coming, I keep on writing 

I feel all of these ‘young’ people’s pain and suffering, I want to help them all. 

Everyone/everybody is treated with great, infinite dignity and loving respect 

More ‘rigorous/vigorous?’ lymphasizing, and Lymphasizing techniques, wherever there’s pain and inflammation, with magnified thought waves and focused energy/electric stimulation

Page 1 to 79 and all the rest also, in the books “The Golden Seven plus One/Two” all of the other documentation and materials

Get in a band, record awesome perfect (and all of the best words I’ve written before), songs

Use my lyrics for 147+ songs, add music to them

many other spinoffs from the best of

Work with many local (and infinitely beyond, everywhere), very talented artists, actors and musicians of all kinds

Things have come full circle and infinitely more beyond

Revisit my “ideas, notes and goals” etc. at, and my lyrics to my “5 songs”

The best writer of all time and eternity

Who is

Peace talks

 Every heart and soul, I (hope to) reach


Haiku’s?  Am I writing them?

“types of poetry and how to create it?”Google this


Method acting 

“Learn about all kinds of singing, acting and dancing” google this

“the revolution of Steve Jobs” opera in Salt Lake


I’m alive, yay

As my best favorite, Godly imagined and designed immortal, avatar, the which I described earlier

My better half 

Complex thought forms and patterns 

🎶”’ve got to give for what you take”🎶

(song lyrics by George Michael)

How did Madonna write So many great songs, oh I forgot she’s Madonna.

She wrote so many great songs, it’s self-explanatory

Glories beyond description 

Charging me up and filling me with light

She’s an amazing singer and musical artist 


Ron B.

Severed quadricept tendon over the knee cap, popped

Brace lockes the leg

Stonehenge AF 128 temporary care, he will be home in 1 to 2 weeks?


Words and music by 

Material science(s)

“… numerous concourses of angels in the attitude of singing and praising…”

“…a co-motion”

“…Causing a Commotion”

“The infinite multitudes of (G)gods and (G)goddesses as twin rays”


Infinite (L)light and (I)infinite (L)love

‘I’m his Mrs.’

“Can we get together? I really wanna be with you.

I hope you feel the same way too

I’ll make you feel better

…I’ll never leave your side…”(MDNA)

My/our Every move/movement is ‘orchestrated’/‘controlled’ by my/our Godself/Godselves and my/our Christself/Christselves

Voice as the rushing of great waters

A virtual ZR matrix, “we live in?”

“‘The best’ of ZR”


“If I could melt your heart, we’d never be apart, give yourself to me, you are the key”


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