Text Wed. May 31st 2023
Text sent today Wed. May 31st 2023
Put my smart watch on the charger at 10:30 PM tonight, Wednesday
12:30-12:45pm Friday with parents
Do not call Curt Wednesday night tonight
2pm Thursday with Bryant
‘‘Em pulser”
Website “bioenergydevice.org”
Health, ….
Diaixa ?
Special Peptide, reverse Alzheimer’s
Electromagnetic forces …
“The body electric” book
“Journeys of the astral body” book
“The people’s almanac”
“Still picture flyover Washington D.C.”?
High energy projects
“breatharianism”? google this
“A year without food’ ray ?
Live on light
“Living on (L)light”
“Life from light” books
Psychophysical phenomenon
When your heart sings, you know
Mind over Matter
“The violet ray beauty machine” buy
“the wisdom of Jacob’s ladder”
Peptide Dihexa (Alzheimer’s)
I need to be/(I Am?) in the know about flying saucers and Merkebah’s
How, where, why, who, and which
Point(s) of view
Yours, mine, ours theirs
We Us
I You
Smart filter indicator!
darkagedefense.com, Tesla technology smaller/small as a Crystal, customized for Virtual/Zeldta Reality Apple iglasses/goggles, Never has to be charged! Materials live forever! unbreakable, smaller, more compact, beautiful, shiny ‘near’ see through, partially
“You’re the one”
The Infinite ocean of divine celestial, immortal, eternal Light
It has taken upon itself a life of its own
New things that have never been created (or imagined?) before
Ask T-mobile, how reliable: “recently deleted items” is?
The measure of (A)all creation
The ‘best’ food combining in my smoothies
Eat Moldavite dust/powder?
Reach everyone!!!, the “Right?” people first?
they can ‘take it’?!, they can follow/Lead, it’s their choice.
My terabyte cards use with Apple VR iglasses?
Unique ideas
A lot of
I have we have I am we are
my/our light body(ies) has all of the chakras lit up in it/them
Our/my clothes of (L)light
And all of my/our lymphatic system(s) is/are lit up and infinitely beyond
no one is condemned
no RCCFFCB don’t ridicule criticize condemn find fault cast blame to yourself or anyone else.
No fear, anger, loss of temper holding grudges or resentment
These are (some of?) the mental laws of health
Twin Rays (girl/boy) Desire(s) towards each other!!!!
I am/we are in reaching all of the limits of what I/we can be, without being the most high God YHWH, Jesus, or the Holy Ghost
They created us, we are reaching our potential, it’s built into us, it’s built into our DNA and our Higher Godselves and Christ selves
And the Holy Ghost/spirit is with(in), above, below, all around, and throughout everything also, don’t forget
I don’t know why I am who I am? I’m just being me that’s all there is to it. I like who I am though.
And the same with all of us
Potential, human and godly
I’m here to support you, we are here to support each other, right?
We can all read everybody else’s minds on/in the earth, and throughout all of the Multiverses’s
Individual unique voices (and people) that create, all kinds of creations (E)everywhere!
It’s a very, very large, huge Multiverses’s, there are many many types of beings of (L)light to talk to and to connect with!!!!
And to create, explore all kinds of things/places with, and Create, The, Highest, divine celestial, immortal, eternal music/(Art works) of all kinds that cannot be heard/(seen?) by ‘most’ human ears/(eyes?)
I hope Coasttocoastam will always be around.
I have been learning, so many great wonderful things from them, inspiring me in ‘unbelievable?’ ways
“I don’t know if you want me, but I know that I want you”
“Paranormal podcast network”
“Crisper Cas 9?”
Gene editing
Gene bank
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