Sunday, December 14, 2014


This is "God's true science on earth,.. how to prevent and reverse every disease on earth, without drugs or medication of any kind.  Virtual Reality for the accelerated learning of 64 different areas of science.  72 names of God as super powers, like forgiveness, humility, and compassion.

If brought to fruition, will be THE "Answer" to all the worlds problems.

Please share with everyone you can influence, your friends, family, children, parents, teachers, nieces, nephews, etc,..

Also, check out, , "" on you tube,,,,
"David Sereda YouTube", "david sereda scale of life" (scroll down and look to the right of the page to see more david sereda videos), "david sereda quantum regenesis online course"


merkabah light body activation for each individual on earth

Especially, Check out ARCHIVES November 2014 and December 2014 for the most important posts in the down right side of this page

Friday, December 12, 2014

First Blog

This is my first blog. I'm going to share my thoughts. Feel free to make comments.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

More inspiring sites

Google these: "

go to these sites also: (a high teaching)  (for any interested in learning and teaching how to overcome all disease and teaching others.)

blood protein research
"The Dry State" discovery
"The Hollow Earth""twin ray meditation", "Merkeba", "light body activation"

Wednesday, December 10, 2014


Don Howard Allen

Email Address:
Orem High School Graduate 1985
Utah Valley Community College 1985-86 1 yr.
Brigham Young University 1985-86, 88-89 1 yr.
I.A.L. (International Academy of Lymphology) 1990-Present
AFFS (Academy for Future Science)
Summit University
Unlimited Internet knowledge

Waterford Testing Center (WICAT) 1985-86 – Testing children’s computer software
Folio Corporation 1989 – Computer software Infobase creation
U.S.H. Library – 2003-04 – 3 months - circulation
Deseret Industries – 2004 - 2005
President of: ZLT Creations and Communications

Missionary work – Chile – Vina del Mar 1986-88
Proselyting and office work
AFFS (Academy for Future Science) –Teacher – 1991-Present – HYPERLINK
Summit Univerity materials – Teacher – 1991- present - HYPERLINK
Word processing
Internet (e- mail, www)
Folio Views
Basic web site skills


Work for building Zion and the Kingdom of God. Website dedicated to the same and the United Order. Ze-ion pure books, music, movies and television available online.

Write scripts for movie series and ideas for video games from God’s point of view – What it’s like to be a God- What do you do- Note: (I already have the major themes prepared. Write and distribute music also.

Be an actor and perfect my physical body.

Tuesday, December 09, 2014

welcome to my blog

Here are my four in one:

My resume
My company and business plan and proposal
"On my music" and
My E-publishing and form letter

You can read any or all of these and comment if your interested to learn or to possibly work with me.


Monday, December 08, 2014

pure laws and principles, mental, physical, and nutritional laws of health

If you "own" the vision, share it on Facebook with everyone.

God's true science on the earth.  How to prevent and reverse every disease known to man,

    (every crippling and killer disease;  diabetes, cancer, aids, ebola, heart disease and fifty plus or more.  Learn the blood protein research and about the dry state where there is only enough fluid around the cells to fill the crevices around the cells and that is all.  No disease. allergy, or virus can exist in "the dry state")

Virtual realiity for the accelerated learning of 64 areas of science, see

72 names of God as superpowers, that everyone loves, especially young people and everyone else:-)
for example:  humility, compassion and forgiveness

No RCCFFCB don't ridicule, criticize, condemn, find fault or cast blame to yourself or anyone else

Mental, nutritional, and physical laws of health

More fruits, vegetables, and sprouts in proper combinations

No fear, anger, loss of temper, holding grudges, or resentment to yourself or anyone else

Not too much candies, cakes, ice cream, pop or too much meat especially red meat

Lymphasize don't just exercize

All produce should be certified organically grown produce, non GMO's (non-genetically modified organisms) and no MSG (no mono-sodium glutamate)

Put list of fruits/vegetables and food combining list on my bloodspot (2 pages)

3 past 3 present 3 future
Male Female twin flames
Each with five bodies Click on each of these individually and collectively: gematrian body, zohar bodyelectromagnetic body, epikinetic body, and eka bodies of ;pus or minus relativities.

Pressure, massage, and a light fast stroke(over the skin) to activate the lymphatic system.  Don't just exercise, lymphasize
Breath deeply everywhere you go
The shallow breather is in trouble

Add completed test to my bloodspot


(See letters above):
Sanskrit Uniting the Vertical Languages in the human body
Egyptian Hebrew Chinese Horizontal languages in the human body, with Hebrew uniting them all.   Tibetan Vertical language


Celestial Marriage Capstone Melchizedek

A new commandment "Thou shalt be the highest frequency in the Universe"

Don't kill any cell

Google these two:

Gateway to the mind's eye
Beyond the mind's eye

"Lawnmowerman" graphics

Saint Germain series of books

35 billion $.  Average 5$ per person on the planet; those who have more can pay more to equalize cost.  One piece of technology for every man woman and child

Saturday, December 06, 2014

E-Publishing form letter

Form Letter to Publishers

To Whom It May Concern:

My name is Don Allen, and my company, ZLT Creations, Communications, and Publishing, will have a website with connections to your website if you would allow it and other pure media sites, where people can, with credit or equal value personal creation offers, trade for a media product of equal value.

The idea is for all who create or have a service or product that can be of worth so they can get media, books, movies, etc. When their pure service is used by another whose pure products or pure services they desire or want or need.

We would like to improve and recreate our ZLT/Exalt website to have the best books, movies, television, and music all available for download and creation from the website with a basic version of Folio Views Version 3.1 or later or Microsoft Reader for books.

Any media from could immediately be transferred onto the website from the website user, and it would be created into an infobase which could include any or all off the following media forms: Music(MP3’s), electronic books (input), movies, television, video games, virtual reality (multidimensional), all art, and all other pure, creative, edifying art forms and expressions or pure consciousness and the Ze-ion or Zeldtium frequencies, twin ray; souls, cities, etc… based upon the expounded teachings/research of this beginning website:

To unite prople, regardless or race, color or church into their proper places upon this earth with no poor, using the mass production from cyberstations around the world creating clothing or cyberwear (suite) and other newest simple-use real-world overlay Virtual Reality glasses with ear phone, dim/bright/off swith for full or partial immersion into VR for accelerated learning on all areas of science, into spiritual science and all other such acts that are true that can be taught as pure knowledge that will cause the mind of all who will use this to expand and unlock within itself, its full human-to-God potential, using 100% of our brain and body potentials, inclujding powers of EST, telepathy, telekinesis, psychic, deliberate controlled imaginative creation to materialization on any level of the multiple spectrums.

If your company were to provide your media materials downloadable, you would benefit by providing that service and product to millions or more, and you would be able to have access to all media forms from anyone who uses yhour service-eg: I have one book or album on the website, and one million different people who each have some form of pure media that I would like to have credit for means that I could have one for one million or how many people download your media product or use your service, including all VR(Virtual Reality) or AR (Augmented Reality) tools and services, which will be available from the website to distribute/help promote new manufacturing of design cybergear—simple, durable, waterproof, unbreakable, and functional with solar or perpetual motion—infinite battery live or the like.

Contact me for more information

Don Allen,

Friday, December 05, 2014

**ZLT Creations and Communications

Company Proposal Vision and Plan

What? Plan to get some funding to buy some hardware and software for a company ZLT/Exalt for a portable Virtual Reality studio, that can be used for digitizing whole communities, buildings, streets, homes, schools, businesses, people, etc, for commu ity planning\Real Estate walk throughs and exploring\business planning and testing of ideas and markets in a virtual studio that can be defined, built, explored, tested and changes made to before creating these things in a physical reality. This hardware-software-idea, can be duplicated by any individual in their own universe. Create A perfect digital human and God/Goddess etc,... so humans can know what to do in thought and action, to become one with YHWH (Yah-weh or YOD-HE-VOD-HE) The Most High Eternal Living God.

This technology will be the connection between man/woman and god, to show the steps to become Gods and Goddesses. A scientific visualization animation of all the different systems of the body, especially the Lymphatic system, to show what happens in the body when mental, nutritional and physical laws are lived or broken. An animation of each law lived or not lived and what physical things happen so we’ll all know what to do. A video game where there are sick people with all kinds of diseases and the therapies and science that can be used to heal them and the problems in the environment, real time so that using existing technology home video games, all people can learn how to see and change and heal and conquer all manner of disease and through real-time connections to the internet and the digitization of all of these things including the illnesses of the people and the problems in the environment, these things can be corrected and health and peace brought to the earth.

I am an “Ambassador for Health and Peace” I include below, web sites that contain new free energy source technologies etc… which will be used in healing and saving the environment and the therapies which will be used in the people healing and to bring health and peace. The therapies which will be used in this people healing game etc. are:

1) "various methods of electrical stimulation"
2) specialized serviece of a physician or surgeon "with out knives"
3) various bio-electric lymphasizing techniques
4) various bio-electric lymphasing techniques
5) herbs
6) the naturopathic remedies
7) the homeopathic remedies
8) chiropractics and other forms of physical therapy see below 8)
9)  special diets see below 9)
10) color therapy
11) zone therapy or reflexology
12) all other energy producing therapies

 1) various methods of electrical stimulation; 2) specialized services of a physician or surgeon (“without knives” is also included) 3)various bio-electric lymphasizing techniques; 4) deep breathing techniques on and off of a lymphasizer; 5) herbs; 6) the naturopathic remedies; 7) the homeopathic remedies; 8) chiropractics and other methods of physical therapy (included by me, “with or without a therapist”, also, learning how to a doing it by oneself and with ones family) 9) special diets, colonics, distilled water, fresh juices, or a food supplement that willl help eliminate excess fluid along with the poisons and re-establish the delicate chemical balance in and around the cells; 10) color therapy; 11) zone therapy or reflexology and 12) other energy producing therapies, and will be taught to all students in thevirtual worlds as a part of the game to heal and to fulfill my purpose and that is to bring immortality to man. Eternal Life Sciences are sete forth and explained in the book “The Keys of Enoch: The Book of Knowledge” and in the study materials which includes audio and video cassettes, concordances, study guides, and music from the Academy for Futures Science and on their web site

Why? So time, materials, ideas, and maximum creativity can be used in spiritual creation and changes easily made before using the same and wasting a lot in physicality. To bring to pass the immortality and Eternal Life of Man.

When? When people are ready at their own pace in their own space and time after they have an idea of the vision they want.

How? With the help of everyone in the Universe, including those who have the expertise to create technology that will make a cybersuit for each person on the planet, that is like a second skin and has a second eye display and sound and olfactory stimulation. Using all the senses including spiritual ones, to learn all truth in a virtual, spiritual, celestial accelerated learning environment, to go from ignorance through shape matching, mathematics, sacred geometries, history, linguistics of the five languages which unite the electrochemical languages in the human body which are egyptian-chinese (for the horizontal languages), sanskrit and tibetan (for the vertical languages) and hebrew to unite them all, and the sixty-four areas of science which will be united and fulfilled in and by the year 2003, including the previously mentioned sciences. This technology which will utilize all previously made pure music, text and video that will teach these sciences and all truth, made available for alll people equally regardless of the circumstances to learn these things and have access to alll truth and the information being given a “Lot by inheritance” in Zion by the “One Mighty and Strong” who will come to “set in order the house of God, and establish by lot, the inheritance in Zion.”

Therefore, all those who wish to be a part of Zion, will have a physical inheritance for eternity and those also outside or inside, will still have the right to ownership of property and the idea for this technology will be to have the planet and the Universe and everything in it, digitized in a virtual world, so that anything that exists in the world will be digitized and a digital version will be accessible in a cybersuit using all of the senses and can be touched and moved around and felt and smelt and changed to their own liking as their own version of the world, always being able to see the real world digitization in that virtual space so that they can see the truth of things as they really are.

This technology could also reconstruct the past and help to construct the future with cooperation of all including their imaginations for a vision of the best future possible for all peoples. This vision could be accessed and edited by each person according to their own good and pure desires to create their own space, lot, worlds, universes or whatever else they can imagine, including using all media forms, books, music, movies or television. In the worlds and the Universes, the following book, can through this “virtual/virtuous/or virtuoso reality, be experienced on all the following seven levels as mentioned in the book entitled “The Keys of Enoch: The Book of Knowledge” by J.J. Hurtak, “from the subatomic, moleculargenetic, mathematical, musical, paraphysical, and the superluminal aspects of the revealing nature of the Shekinah (the Holy Spirit)”

Also included in these technologies and sciences, are the “Academies of Light” that will and have been established around the world for teaching, especially one that I know about and have been cerfified in who’s web address is included herein as the I.A.L. This science “God’s true science on earth”, teaches “the cause of every disease known to man” and how to, if possible, reverse every killing and crippling illness. This vision would digitize the perfect human body, and each individual on the planet to custom design for each individual, this body suit or cyberskin which would allow them to see what is happening in their body as certain mental, nutritional, and physical laws of health are obeyed.

They would see how certain thoughts, foods, and activities eaffect their health, mental and physical. And they would know without a doubt what every possible thought or action can and will do to their physical/mental/spiritual bodies if they do them. These things will all be proben through kirlian photography of the aura when these things are or have been done in the past. They will all be in VR (Virtual(spiritual) Reality) so that they can be experienced throught all of the senses without getting hurt. The scientific visualization and animation of the Blood proteins will be the focus. As any law is broken, mental, nutritional or physical, the plasma proteins will leave the blood stream and go around the cell spaces.

The purpose of the lymphatic system is to pull these and other dead cells, toxins or poisons from around the cells and neutralize them and get the blood proteins back circulating via the blood stream. The plasma proteins are magnetically attracted to water and they are what give us blood pressure, so when they leave the blood stream, they pull the water out of the blood stream and can cluster together. This causes a flooding around the cell spaces so the cells can’t get the minerals, nutrients and oxygen from the blood stream that they need to keep the cells healthy, thus “Lymphology” or the “I.A.L. (The International Academy of Lymphology) is called “a Noah’s Ark”, because it’s purpose is to save us from the water that is now coming INTERNALLY! Where this flooding occurs in the body and what happens to that part of the body, is how the disease (illness, allergy, etc…) is named. Therefore, “the name of the disease doesn’t matter anymore”, it is just where this flooding occurs in the body. This cybersuit or cyberskin, would be made of a light-weight breathable high frequency liquid crystal fiberous material that would fit the individuals exact dimensions and would allow for a possible LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) onto this second skin, a map of the accupuncture “without needles” system of the body, including but not limited to the accupressure and zone therapy areas on the hands and the feet which show areas on the hands and feel which correspond to many different areas of the body including but not limited to the internal organs etc… Upon which pressure can be applied and through this therapy, the lymphatic system can be activated and the blood proteins returned to circulate back in the blood stream.

There are other therapies that can also be used to activate the lymphatic system, clean out the colon, activate the muscles, and the “power-plants” which are the internal organs, including the skin and all cells and cell tissue. All cells have a “electric generator” inside called the sodium-potassium pump which is “The delicate mineral balance of the sodium single positive ions (Na+) and the potassium single positive ions (K+) inside the cell.” This information is contained in the book, “The Golden Seven Plus One” which is available for anyone who wishes to know how to “CONQUER DISEASE WITH EIGHT KEYS TO HEALTH, BEAUTY & PEACE”

Where? Anywhere, everywhere, and in ones own phyusical/spirtual/celestial body.

Who? The Vision is to educate myself as a VR Specialist and create new visionary and innovative products, working with the leaders in the spiritual sciences and “Gods’ true science on earth”, Clarity University, The Kingdom of God, including but not limited to the following web sites and their highest ideals, (especially the Book of Mormon, The Doctrine and Covenants and any and all other scripture and revelation that doesn’t contradict previous true doctrine),*, *, *,*, *, *, *,,,,,,,,,,,,

Thursday, December 04, 2014

"On My Music"

How I came up with my music and lyrics and what they mean. The scientific foundations behind it and references. Why I wrote my music: There is a lot of music out there that many youth and others listen to that has bad or negative lyrics and disorderly sounds, especially the industrial and death metal music. Some of it speaks the truth and has very powerful and good inspirational and empowering lyrics and music that makes your more intelligent quickly and takes your mind through near infinite journeys of the mind.

But some of it has the lyrics, the sounds, and the vocals, that can ruin ones voice in the high ranges, if sung, as it did to mine, and can mess up your mind. The vocals in the of the music, sound like the “voice of thunder” as if it were God speaking. The kind of music that I like to listen to that helps people shand up for the truth and for good causes and speak the words that God would speak, therefore becoming a musical mouthpiece for God as has been done by musicians who have dedicated their talents to God since the beginning of music.

I learned many of my ideas and inspirations from Michael Ballam who’s cassettes and videos can be purchased over the internet. I would recommend all his works.

Sample music that inspired me, and the kind of music that can ruin your voice and your mind.

Books that I learned from:
“Sound, Speech and Music”
“Sound Health”
“On the Sensations of Tone”

From the book “Sound, Speech, and Music” there was an experiment done with a small metal plate that had some metal filings on it, and when they played certain frequencies, the metal shaving formed into the shape of a flower. I learned that all things are made up of frequencies and plants, animals, humans, and my theory is that God’s also, are made up of frequencies of Light, and when these frequencies are in proper order and balance, then there is health and beauth but when they are out of balance, then there is disease and other disorders.

Music that I’ve listened to and other things that have inspired me: I Grew up listening and singing hymns in the LDS church. I sand sacred and other popular music in high school choirs and musicals. I memorized scriptures from the Book of Mormon and sang them and many other scriptures from the Book of Mormon, nearly the whole thing. I also listened to new age music that taught me that I didn’t have to live in an environment with other musicians playing their music and singing their sacred and other music to inspire me, but that I could be anywhere and listen to new age muisc to bring me the same inspiration.

Also other books of scripture and inspirational words and lyrics from: The Saint Germain foundation series of books, the Pearls of Wisdom monthly booklets, the Summit Lighthouse Press and the teachings of the Ascended Masters, The Keys of Enoch: The Book of Knowledge. I spoke many of these writings into a portable studio and played the synthesizer and sang many of the texts.

The way I have learned to know if something is true for me, is that it makes me want to sing, and the better I sing, the more important the truth. Also, the I.A.L. (The International Academy of Lymphology) teaches how to have more light and health and that improves the music of my body. When the frequencies in my body are right, then I am filled with light in my body, and I can even hear celestial music in my body.

My music has lyrics that talk about how our bodies are like micro universes, our organs are the galaxies of our bodies, and the cells, they are the solar systems. There is music of the spheres that has been recorded, that is the frequencies and the frequency combinations that are exactand very orderly according to the size and colors of the planets and this creates music. Therefore, because there is so much order in our bodies when we have perfect health, there is also an abundance of Light, color and music that we can hear internally and which radiates from us as “radioactivity” (smile).

Here are my lyrics:

Song 1
“Out up of the Dust”

Pulling myself out up of the dust, I rise to the stature of adult god, and with my powers, I help to raise the rays of eternity. Children of God, Children of Light, helping them to be reborn into the divine image, exploring their own power, opening the ancient eternal records in their universe.

The organs are the galaxies of your body, and the cells, they are the solar systems, and your mind, is the son of God, let your sun shine down through your universe and create more universes.

Let the eternal Light, burn, burn bright, within your cells, your selves, Let the body, and all the dimensions of your bodies, Let your mind go into the infinite, look down upon all creation; and read it, read the auras, read the records, read the scriptures, and the minds, read the minds of the people, but your must stay in the infinite, do not stray below your divine body, stay, stay, stay upon the Platform. 4:25

Song 2
“Don’s doodles”

Ah..ha ooo, hahahow…ooo…etc.. ba.. Bop, pa ooo ba baoo ooo 2:00

Song 3
“Tongues of Fire”

Oh, I’m a little tired of sitting around, I want to move, I want to have the crown, I want to live with enthusiasm and energy, I want to speak with the tongue of fire, and burn into your soul, I want to speak with the tongues of fire and change your little body into the big picture. 1:16

Song 4
“Heavy Sun”

Arrgh…Have you ever been into the mind of GG Allin, down into the darkest pit, can you help that disorder, ignorance to rise into organic form, order? Do you have the love to change it into sacred geometry, into form, the divine mind, divine form, raisin’ with the rays, will you raise, are you raising, are you ray (“arrayed like one of these”, meaning like the lillies of the field from the scripture)? Are you a divine ray, are the letters burnt into your skull, crystal skull, crystal selves (cells), pyramid form? My name is Don, do you know me, am I on? Is the light /lie on/Don? Am I a deceptaur? Am I leading you astray? Am I leading you aright/awry? Are you astray? Are you in the Light? Is the melody, is it right? Let the melodies/ harmonies of the celestial glory grow into your sight.

Are you just making this up as you go along? Are you just making that up? 3:42

Song 5
“Bodies of Whole Light”

Hyperventilation. Let the books be opened, let them speak from your dust, changing your body into new form, into the divine form, the divine image, aaaooooooowww!!! Aaaaooowwww!!! Pain? Can you feel the change? Can you feel the chains? Are you letting go? Are they letting go of you ? Do they have you down? Are you a part of the ground? Can you rise above the earth and fly like Superman?

Grab ahold of the greater electron, the Super Electron, let your electrons in you body raise up and connect with the Super Electron.

Let the protons and the neutrons and the electrons in your body, in your organs, and in your cells, and in your universe(s), in their divine form, raise up into the divine image, into the body of God, the body of Light, whole Light, into the ascension, the resurrection. Take ahold of the seventy-two or seventy-six names of Jesus Christ, of the Elohim, of Joseph, of the Elim. Let them change you into your real form. Who are you? What is your real name? What is the white stone, do you know? Who is your Twin Ray? Are you a male? Where is your one female? I know where mine is. Have you found yours? Have you connected? Are you creating children of Light, children of the divine image, the infinite universe? Are you rising above the gravity of the earth, in the pyramid form as an alchemist, as a chem…?

Wednesday, December 03, 2014

Here is a healing technique.  Enjoy.  Go to the rest of the webblog for more infinite knowledge.

Hope this helps!

Tuesday, December 02, 2014

My songs and dance, for your enjoyment!  With Love ;-) :-)

Here's my barbershop chorus singing Jingle Bells!

Monday, December 01, 2014

"I Know That My Redeemer Lives" song by Don

This is a recording of me singing my favorite hymn at my sister's before they left for New York. This is one of my favorite songs because it plays a prominent role in my favorite book, "The Keys of Enoch."