Sunday, March 16, 2025

Text Sun. Mar, 16th 2025

 Text Sun Mar 16 2025

Text sent today Sun Mar 16 2025

 ♾  🌞  Sun inspiration


Things are going as they should be,

Iam/we are going to be paying my/our own way soon and that makes me/us very happy not really or very happy just authentically happy I haven’t felt this way for a long time genuinely

The value of what I/we give to everyone is much more than the money that I/we receive 



What is it like to live inside of the brightest sun?

It is bright 

 ♾  🌞

Own?!, take care of 

 ♾  🌞




The Ryan education center 

The Ryan research center 

Go to to see the website for today/yesterday

I/we can give to you things that you never thought were possible 


Psychic dreams 

Transitioning adjusting my/our frequency(ies)

Mysterious encounters 

Intelligent Design Divine creative evolution, and imagination 

Nighttime inspiration 

With by through for to and of


Big Foot 

Have everyone pay for daily also past content?!!  $.10 per day


Confidence  ZeldtaTech in the hands of capable people for creation of all media types especially especially who believe in trust have faith in and have full confidence in the (D)divine (C)content of ♾  🌞  full immersion VR/ZR

I/we know what’s happening everywhere with those accessing living and remembering all of   ZeldtaTech December 12, 2024 and at “Search this Blog” type in “no more money needed”

“Duplicate” other elements

R2D2 assistant 

I/we Imagine my/our best most (D)divine (G)godly (I)image(s) of my/our 5D+ 5+ (B)body(ies)


858 225-0015

Call them sometime set up an appointment and share  ZeldtaTech 

“If you dreamt it, you can make it happen” raise

M and agent say I/we should borrow $44 trillion 

Free Newsletter San Diego

Stock show 600 AM Kogo Sunday mornings nine or 10 AM?

Find “no more money needed” the original text, the date of first posted/published and republish it

Pay TierraNet $16.99? Or is there a free one that is better and how do I/we transfer?

Fix, Set up my/our X account

“Directly to my/(our) inbox chat” so we can text 

Mac whisper 

Voice notes 




Infinite light connection and Communication

Real relationship 

Always Just let the   ♾  🌞 light flow infinitely forever, eternally immortality, and ALL with Divine Celestial LOVE

Easily and without effort it all comes freely and easily

Fix, Set up my/our X account

Work through it all instantly infinitely 

All things are infinitely new 

I/we bring the fullness to you   ZeldtaTech it’s just an infinitely recorded small particle in my/our 5D+ 5+ Bodies for everybody everywhere to reach touch and internalize also as a small particle always anywhere to be accessed used and shared   ♾  🌞 on/in the Earth and all throughout all of the Multiverses’s past present and future the eternal (N)now beyond all time and space

Eat only very small tiny pieces of chocolate

There is no question that we are together forever 

Samsung TV accessibility

relumino mode

All of my/your media is now infinitely Celestialized

I am/we are Peaceful and calm, with no stress see on

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