Text Wed Nov 13 2024
Text sent today Wed Nov 13 2024
‘Extreme’ (H)holy God’s/Godly (L)light healing, teaching, (L)loving, inspiring kind, gentle, peaceful, (M)majestic, (T)true (S)sure (P)populating, (P)population (G)great (G)good Godly (H)harmonics (F)frequencies (V)vibrations (E)energies and the (P)perfections of ALL “(M)mathematics also “(S)spiritual”
Heavenly Exalting and (A)all for ♾ π(A)ascension
“Healthy bone and joint pack”
Lyme disease ‘tangy tangerine’
Healthy brain heart pack
90 essential nutrients
No gluten wheat or sugar etc..
Seven laws of the (U)universe/Multiverses’s?
The law of mentalism intention, mental image creation, creator
The law of correspondence
The three planes of existence above angels archangels
The law of vibration or the law of attraction
The law of polarity joy, happiness, infinite
The law of rhythm pendulum
The law of cause-and-effect
The lot of gender in everything masculine and feminine energy we need both energies in our lives to manifest anything, a balance of both
An atom is made out of a negative ion and a positive ion
See other books at coasttocoastam.com
Like “Ancient Manifestation Secrets”
The personification of Universal law are (G)gods and (G)goddesses
Karmic contracts in the past
Small containers for weeks, etc., worth of vitamins and minerals daily doses
All of the individual frequencies for all of the supplements vitamins minerals all other products and (G)godly (L)light for (F)food, (C)clothing, (S)shelter and infinite ‘instant’ healing of all chronic diseases and all of the other sicknesses and illnesses, etc., all created for everyone for/within our own Godselves’ and Christselves’ (M)minds (T)thoughts and infinitely beyond for the infinite (H)healing of Everything, and also for (I)instant (K)knowledge of (E)everything, and (I)instant (T)travel (E)everywhere and (A)anywhere for (A)all (B)beings on/in the Earth and all throughout all of the Multiverses’s
Including all of the following products at:
And more
All as much as we need and when
Don’t eat peanuts, they create a bacteria that causes liver cancer?!
No carbonation, it interferes with stomach digesting of food?!
The ♾ π (H)highest of All (H)holy (T)truth (R)reality, (W)written (S)spoken or (D)done, which equals that/the (S)same (K)kind of (M)music
Sing, put to music All of the (G)greatest ♾ π themes of the book of Mormon, the ♾ π (W)word of God
Pure Energy
Thursday, November 14 at 11 AM with T. M.
Friday, November 15 at 10 AM with S
Ham radio class
Rayban Meta
Call Steve Frandsen happy birthday
Friday afternoon?
Generate ♾ π Life and Love
We are ♾ π guided by the (L)light in the (L)light of the (L)light
In above and through all things
Giveth life to all things
The breath of life and light
We all cherish life
9 11 3 4 5 6:30 9 9:40
And I/we know that you feel the same way too, then I/we know it’s real
Unselfish Love
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