Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Text Wed. June, 26th 2024

Text Wed. June, 26 2024

Text sent today Wed. June, 26 2024

We never let each other down 

I/we never let anyone down 

All of the infinite powers of all of the Multiverses’s is within each person/being on/in the Earth and all throughout all of the Multiverses’s 

IHeartRadio  paranormal podcast radio network 

Find life everywhere and create life everywhere on/in the Earth and all throughout all of the Multiverses’s 

I Am/We are the Nobel prize

You are all the reasons I am/we are, you are all my/our reasons

Get baptized and start all over again 

There’s a solution to every problem

Spirit photography 

Spirit phone?  Thomas Edison




With Matt Clark he was in a downstairs apartment with dark brown shiny wood door. He was very loving to me/us

E Sunday 1 or 2 PM?

Am I/are we going shopping June 3? 

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