Monday, April 08, 2024

Text Mon. Apr, 8th 2024

Text Mon. Apr, 8th 2024

Text sent today Mon. Apr, 8th 2024

Expect demand command, respect 

Call Curt Wednesday night


I am connected infinitely to everything (G)godly created everywhere past present and future the eternal now on/in the Earth and all throughout all of the Multiverses’s 

♾๐ŸŒž๐ŸŽถRespect Intelligence 

Everyone’s (I)intelligence is (I)infinitely activated on/In the Earth and all throughout all of the Multiverses’s 

We (A)all Promote Godly (I)intelligence ♾๐ŸŒž๐ŸŽถ everywhere 

And Eternal wisdom 

Everyone everywhere can fly in their light bodies 

All (T)twin (R)ray Souls infinitely connected are creating their own planets and stars systems for them to Start to populate And teach, etc.

A scientific Noah

Internal waters =  inflammation

My/our world(s)/Stars/Multiverses’s

I am/we are doing, I will/we will do everything I/we can to protect and save you

11:25 am to 1:40 PM

Maximum totality 12:31 PM ending at 1:41 PM

Mutual confidence, attention

“I have never had a thought that I couldn’t set down in words”

“A dream within a dream” (1987 song Alan Parsons project)

“You only see what your eyes want to see, how can life be want you want it to be your frozen when your heart’s not open”(Madonna)

Affect ♾ ๐ŸŒž๐ŸŽถ everyone everywhere for the better 

Movies, to look up:

Parent trap 

Made in Heaven 

Lyle Boss

Stocks, book 30 years of success clients never lost a dime


“safemoney miracle” free book

Control and Change Matter for the better and good of/for All

We would be better together than apart 

“Eyes to see”

Ears to hear


I/we had a dream a few nights ago. It was the biggest most peopled/large crowd/mostly in the darkness dream with Madonna and I/us together?

Embrace the change 

K-PAX, I/we love this movie too, holy cow, this is a great movie

More love than anybody has ever felt

Deepest meditation in the Multiverses’s 


Shopping with E  Wednesday 10 AM 

Thursday, April 11 11:30 AM appointment with Dr. M 

I Am/We are All The Master(s) of The Highest ‘Godly’ Covenants

Call Ron next week to go to lunch on Wednesday

 I/we have been having chills this last couple weeks more than ever

♾ ๐ŸŒž๐ŸŽถ Present

Satisfied above all things Earthly 





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