Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Text Wed. Dec, 13th 2023

Text Wed. Dec, 13th 2023

Text sent today Wed. Dec, 13th 2023


Oh Y in Heaven, what do you do?

She knows us/me

The best, why not?


For everyone 

Find the magazine from 1990, 91 or 92 I think it’s called ‘virtual reality special report’? with the picture of a skier on the front cover

Find it online so I/we can get a copy of it, probably a hardcopy 

She/you will Help me/us find the answers 

What are you/is God doing in the present? 

We can be together at any time and at any place 

All times and all places altogether and everywhere



I/we can go into a deep, meditative dream ‘level sleep?’ at will, for as long as I/we need to


Some lyrics are transformative and eternal 

Life changing/altering


Special moments , creating


Deeply inspirational 


You have/she has my/our full attention, all of it forever and eternally 🌞🌞

You/we are protected in every way by my/our words, always

I am/we are protecting you ♾ 🌞

I am/we are always, CCC, calm, collected, and Centered

My/our words, more perfect, more clear 


Music  words what a good match

♾. Dimensional.

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