Saturday, October 28, 2023

Text Sat. Oct, 28th 2023

 Text Sat. Oct, 28th 2023

Text sent today Sat. Oct, 28th 2023

I am/We are so happy/glad to be alive say it again and again and again

You are/she is always surprising me

 Words create (E)everything

Everyone in Hollywood the writers, producers directors, actors, (E)electronic Virtual Reality or ARMRVRXR and ZR, ‘the new electronic dimension’🌞set builders, using all kinds of computers, computer generated animation, all other kinds of computers, computer/Computing processes,  and ‘computer’ technology(is), animators, musicians, and all kinds of music people, with and using all kinds of instruments, can,  music(al) artists, artists singers, music(al) harmonizers, dancers designers, magicians?🌞 and everyone else is/are looking to and paying for All ‘usable!’+ creative content there in ♾🌞

Real world(s) and (V)virtual world(s) /the spirit world(s) and the physical world(s)

 Philanthropists peacemakers, movers and shakers everyone as divine (G)godly leaders

The rich and the richest people on/in the earth(s), and all throughout all of the Multiverses’s, and everybody else, the poor people the middle class, and the lay person/people (E)everywhere in all of these places also


Whenever I just say ‘I’ ‘mine’ or ‘me’ I am also always now referring to myself as/with my five bodies Zohar, gematrium, epigenetic, Eka bodies of plus or minus relativity, and my electromagnetic body


♾🌞 Computing. Power   Get a Great ham Radio

Ask Mark what’s the best kind? 

Buy the information from Have 3-D plus printers  make/build/duplicate these things

Do diagnostics on my phone?

God(s) Science, true 🌞

The rhythm was right there 

The rhythm is always   right 

I/we touch grasp? and see the entirety of all of the Multiverses’s 

 ElectroLight(s) yes

Infinite Life is now beginning

Everything I/we have written past present and future (mostly) at is inside of a small particle for everyone in their bodies and for them all to access it all ‘at once’, whenever they want to

Josh Reeves YouTube channel 

iCloud Keychain for passwords



Everyone watch these videos here below


Would you be willing to change what visa debit card you spend money with if you could save 50% on gas and other expenses?

After watching, immediately let me know if you're ready to sign up!

TranzactCard co-founders, Richard Smith & Peter R Rancie:


Comp plan video:

Peter Rancie: From Classroom to Boardroom

Read Article 3 :TranzactCard Co-Founder


Tricky treat 

I’m/we are so excited to be alive 

Possibilities of life and existence 

What are the ?

I am/we are just trying to include everybody 

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