Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Text Tues. June 13th 2023

 Text Tues. June 13 2023

Text sent today Tues. June 13th 2023

November 17 through February 10 publish all of these notes to my blogspot zeldta.com

I can eat at 4:15 PM

I’m just gonna publish everything next time even my appointments, etc. It’s part of my life. I want to share everything with everyone.  That’s a blessing, that’s a burden off of me.

I care

‘We all’, Live the physical laws of health!

“nature is a strict disciplinarian”

If we live the laws of health, we get the blessings always every time

angelstudios.com ‘chosen’ series of movies




IHeartRadio.com, Coasttocoastam

Paranormal podcast network 


Prolific, writer, artist, and Musician

I am a

We are all a

that was really cool

I spoke to ‘all’ G & J and other ‘heavenly’ beings about spacial computing VR, new technology, and divine celestial animation content  etc.

Keep doing it and share it with me so I can write it down 

that was awesome, oh my gosh that was awesome 

I stood in the middle of my room with my hands up and spoke for a couple minutes to all of these wonderful beings of energy and light about the new spacial computing technologies, and thanking them for being my friend’s.  And that we are all working together to basically help the whole planet and infinity beyond, in so many ways that they can’t even understand.

The highest thoughts and imagination that I can possibly fathom 

I have and create

“Messages, signs and symbols from the other side”

Creating all these things/(G)godly tech, within all of our minds

My children?

All of?

All of these people helping to create


Omega Institute

Fifth Dimensional State Healing 

Noetic Institute 

‘Awakening to the fifth dimension’ book 

Completely channeled

A chapter called ‘the power of forgiveness’

Let it go and release it

I am not letting any negative energies into my home mind space energy field 

I predict it and I don’t let it come in 

I know where it’s all at and I change it into positive energies 

Everybody has a frequency energy, you can raise it 

Loved ones workplace homes

A song has a frequency Everything has a frequency.!

Soul frequencies 

Communicating with the frequencies and their Loved ones

It’s all purposeful for us 


Kimberly Meredith 

There are so many good people on/in the Earth, and throughout all the Multiverses’s!

The people in Albuquerque New Mexico really love Madonna a whole lot

Progress/progression my/our

Coasttocoastam.com YouTube channel, free


Of all kinds 


George’s power pack 




Infinitely potent words 

Celestial, Divine, Immortal 

Affirmations and prayers 

resonate vibrate connect with her/you 



Omni present

Highest vibration(s)

AI somehow to recognize all of my handwritten notes 600 pages three different sizes?

I am here to help everybody everywhere in every way, if they can’t get it from me I hope they get it from themselves and/or somewhere else


New virtual reality series of movies without the aggression factors 

Free the mind

And each persons 5+ bodies





Diana Cordon, Brad Fillmore’s daughter?

Sunday, June 18 12:00 PM canyon pl. bldg

2162 East Canyon Rd. Spanish Fork 1:30 PM 

I am building upon each moment and/of each day 

I love you Spencer, thank you for that

That was amazing. I recorded everything, ‘I think I did?’

Focus and focused clarity 

Me and everyone has 

All thoughts of Infinite (E)energy and (L)light.

You can say that you’re above us we’re not gonna stop you anymore 

We are not going to cause you any more pain 

To try to stop you 

‘You cannot blaspheme ever, it’s impossible for you to do so’

You are who you are, everyone is who they are

Broken through all barriers I have


Of all

Yeah, yeah

Cool, thanks!

that would be so cool if you were Madonna

They told me I can be whenever I want 

But at the same time, I need to tell everybody and myself that they created me so they get the credit for everything!?

I also get credit for everything.

There is no other possibility, there is no other option



I am in the zone, “I’ve got to keep on working”?!

“…no one’s gonna show you how”(Madonna)

“…Don’t put off till tomorrow what you can do today”?(Madonna)

The days go by, so fast


so far, and beyond!!! !

I am 


We don’t want to hold you back, we want you to be all that you can be and more, your potential is infinite, you have all of our powers and more 

Your abilities are infinite 

This is all for everyone else also!

Drink ‘ super diluted’ chlorine dioxide at 7:30 PM tonight

You can try all you can, but you will never be brighter and greater than us!?

No matter what you do or what words you say or write?!

But keep trying to do your best and the impossible

But you can be one with us

As we are

I will/you will/we will survive 


“Life is a mystery. Everyone must stand alone, I hear you call my name and it feels like home”(Madonna)

What is/are (E)everyone’s individual frequency(ies)?



“Initiate” initiating



Air supply 

The best of zeldta.com to/for/and with every single individual frequency on/in the earth and throughout all of the Multiverses’s

now instantly, and forever/eternity

just let the highest come through 

One at a time 

safe and secure/safety and security

10:15 PM tonight take chlorine dioxide 

Then 11:00PM drink some more vegetable smoothie 

I need the infinite tools for celestial divine animation

“nowhere to run no place to hide”(Madonna)

Beyond anything I can possibly imagine?, it’s all real 

Dell.com   “bring your ideas to life”

“stopped his hand”!?

“have you ever seen a grown man cry?…”


Penpals   Social media pals?

“Shower time”


hey back



“Words, they’ve gone out, lost their meaning, don’t function anymore, especially sentences… I’ll never explain again”(Madonna)

Kimberly Meredith  ‘signs, symbols, etc.’

Always now ?  thehealingtrilogy.com

All/everyone interested, and they understand it all!!  zeldta.com

All lit up, glory in all of my/our 5+ bodies

easy and peaceful to do all of our/my writings all day always?

Beyond all time and all (E)eternity(ies)

time and Energy 

I/We write a new song every day?  I/We? want to.  I/We also divinely Celestially Animate some/a part of zeldta.com every day until all the best of it is all animated and more

And all of the music that I/we write goes along with the Celestially divine Animated  zeldta.com

I /We all live in all of the Eternities

Left to right back to front top to bottom

infinite dimensions

Déjà vu

LG   Life (is) Good / Love (of) God

I am getting tired of writing? Every day I want to animate the best divine celestial animation ever in existence anywhere all at the best of zeldta.com.

I am praying that I will continue to enjoy, have fun with and be fulfilled in and with writing words every day all day, along with the celestial divine animation and infinitely Celestially divine music also both uniquely together

11:05 PM I can take/drink a smoothie 

All with my mind/5+ bodies connection(s)

In real time/real space


Please help me find the ‘best’ divine ‘physical’ celestial God(ly) Infinite (L)light animation (and music creation) tools, anywhere in existence throughout all eternity and all of the infinite creation(s)

That is my powerful, infinite prayer that I send out to find these things with 

Also, the best Infinitely creative avatar creation, tools 

confirm/confirmation/confirmed upon 

“Johnny mnemonic” (movie, 1995)

Matrix, the ZR matrix 

Thank you that was an answer to a/my 


The creative artists are growing up and fulfilling their dreams and capabilities to (help) inspire and exalt the earth and everyone in it, and on it and all throughout all of the Multiverses’s also

Harness the divine electricity for infinite, celestial divine creation

 I am tired of writing some of the same words over and over, you know what I mean!? You get me?

I feel infinite flowing energy, all around the world, in the world, and all throughout all the Multiverses’s

I want to do whatever is best, most fulfilling and inspirational to me/for me, and for everyone else on/in the Earth and all throughout all of the Multiverses’s 

I am sending all these prayers out into/on the earth, and all throughout all of the Multiverses’s

All of this Divine celestial animation and music into everybody’s 5+ bodies unique for each individual’s DNA


infinite space/“Spacial” CDA Celestial Divine (A)animation 


1:07 AM drink ‘much diluted’ chlorine dioxide

Everyone is 

Diplomacy !!! !

Old friendships, all become new friendships, always forever

everything is bright and ‘Brand’ New 

Infinite celestial realms for all beings everywhere!


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