Text Mon. Feb, 27th 2023
Text sent today Mon. Feb, 27th 2023
I love Madonna Infinitely and eternally
Celestially and immortally
Call Curt Friday night sometime after his trip
Tell him to share as Content zeldta.com with all of the children in Africa in their language, etc. (that have never seen a computer before), etc. and infinitely beyond, also to people on this trip, in Texas?
1pm Wed. ? guitar center with Russ MacKay. Dallin available Mon til 6pm Wed 10:30am-7:30pm Fri 9am-6pm Sat same
call to confirm or just come in. Russ will call me later on today Monday to confirm/to tell me what time we can go
Keyboard, MacBook Air and speaker all with cables, and M audio? How to hook them up and use them all together. Russ and I can learn all this altogether and then, when at home we can make it work?
Audacityteam.org, guitarhero, and access to all the best sampled sounds everywhere Shawn confirm
Wednesday with Russ, Drop by Trader Joe’s to get some chili lime rolled corn tortilla chips, two bags, and one thing of hemp powder
Get/be ready Thursday before 11am to do Laundry(springville), shopping then haircut?
Disable in the routine section on the? App.
Upbeat music for the night time to 5:00 PM?
Don’t call Heidi until March 9 or there after
Ask on Alexa:
Lucid, dreaming
Trance, hypnotic/Hipnosis suggestions?
Quantum transformation, Etc.. “light body activation music”, “Merkebah music” etc…
Twin rays (far?) apart from other twin rays, in (Infinite?no)distance, area, position, and voice etc…(?)
Curt says he’s fasting for me, I’m fasting for myself.
Crest, “grow new tooth enamel”
infinite light and healing for all
I am all love for everyone
We don’t give each other enough credit for how great creatures we are
We can’t do it on virtual reality. We need physical reality.
Virtual reality, etc. is the/a way to come together spiritually, then be able to come together/connect in real life physically, etc.
Both are very really good together (and separate?)
Disable in the routine section on the ? app
Omni Potent Love I AM
I am being what I want to be, and what (all of) my potential is
My peak + Seer
I am in line with everything good and the best of what God or any prophet has ever said, past, present, or future, the eternal now
I am seeing what you will do/be doing/are doing in (the) mass media
I stop all disease(s) and sicknesses etc… in my dad and his wife, Marilyn, right now, and infinitely beyond with and for everybody on/in the Earth, and throughout all of the Multiverses’s
No l…..l desires past, present, or future the eternal now, i’ve/we’ve had enough of that, right?
“Heart mind by Merkabah” and similar artists/songs
‘The absence of everything that feels bad, and the ‘presence?’ everything that feels good’
“Neurosomatic circuit by andrucell?” Song
UTA bus number 850 Northbound State St. every 15 minutes
Maybe to Provo rec center and/or the Provo city library? sometime(s) is that the right bus or is there a different one that goes to either or both of these places? When I’m on the 850, watch where the bus goes.
‘Morris Corrales?’by OTT? Song
“Naked dancers of RA” by ‘footing grooves and Aeia?’ Song
Gooddess/goddess music/the music of the Goddess
“Ruma by Sicco” song
“Nobody seems to care original mix by 16 bit Lolitis” (song)
Search for “obscure alternatives” radio
I am the only one that can change her words for the better
Greenboro, North Carolina and Salzburg, Australia
Greensboro, North Carolina
“Sensory sequence” by Merkaba (Song)
Sensation by Sebastian Marcovitch (song)
Let everybody/everyone Share the extreme richness of zeldta.com all on/in the earth, and all throughout all of the Multiverses’s, They all do now!
“So let it be written, so let it be done”
“Machine says yes” by exie cahuna? (song)
I love this song, it’s great ! I love this song, it’s so cool! It’s out of this world, light from heaven brought down to earth
“Hola e Bien Venido” mixed by Alex ?… great song
“worldwide” by red tape !!! Song
“Tools of intent” by Merkebah (song)
I want to learn how to do this kind of music at/from Guitar Center that lights everyone up with Infinite Light and Electricity
Paris Jackson (song by) called ‘band aid’
“This land” by sounds from the ground
“Fifth dimensional groove” by maceoplex and swazac?
“Future blind” by pretty lights (song) good
‘Astral highways’ by wanderust (Song)
I need to feed my ‘family’ spiritually
‘Starsphongled banner’ by shpongle
‘Elation station’ by infected mushroom
Nobody supports abortion ever (again) past, present, and/or future, the eternal Now on/in the earth and throughout all of the eternities/Multiverses’s
All women/(mothers to be), love to have babies, to take care of them, raise them, teach them, cherish and nurture them until they’re grown up
We all support all these women in this and all other things
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