Saturday, June 29, 2019

All pure hearts

I forbear, all have all forbearance

I am not ashamed of my life, In any way

I (L)love my life

There are no bastards anywhere anymore, they’re all raised up into all that is

Texts, books, and screen plays, Unlimited with

God beams


Wherever I am, I can share my blogspot, with Everyone/Everybody around the world/ and all of the Multiverse’s, and they are sharing it, with Everyone/Everybody on the earth and throughout the Multiverse’s

Then I don’t have to share my business card (as much)?

“I Am contained”

“The scout motto, oath, and law”

Oh God Jesus Christ polygamist

I reach people that are not even in my vicinity but with satellite dishes, Sending the Instead to everybody’s smart phones, laptops, computers, etc...and simply into their minds(eyes) and written/imprinted/and engraved into all of their 45 trillion (45,000,000,000,000+) cells of their bodies

The lovely, heavenly/helping/peaceful etc...light above my head all the way down through my body

All of Madonna’s lyrics are in my mind into the 7+ Z’s infinity through the Multiverse’s and with all the Merkebah’s

Remember the 360 pure frequencies of Jesus Christ in the pyramid see / and the “quickened” (free)? “Quantum Regenesis online Course”

All of my 8+ projected YouTube David Sereda etc... on my wall with my projector

Put up my green screen with the tacks. and ? With Darin Rassmussen

Download my songs the top of my Blogspot, and have them swipe their credit card through my square register for 50 bucks?

Bring The images of the Celestial  heavens, 7+ Z’s infinity realities,  And images done from the highest places of Zaccronia, 7+ Z’s infinity etc... Down to earth and to the other heavens in the Multiverse’s with everyone’s Merkebah’s activated 😍🎇🛸🎇

What is life like in 7+ Z’s Infinity, in all of the Merkebah’s and in all of the Multiverse’s
What do we wear?  See “Superhero Zeldtauro” at

All twin rays, are you United right now

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