Saturday, May 12, 2018

How I Came Up With Zeldta and 5 Other Z Names That I Use In My Life

The ZZZZZZs are names that came to my head years ago while singing in the shower, before we had access to computers and the internet

Zelda was the nickname for my girlfriend (I didn’t even know there was a video game named this)

Zeldtaur is my nickname

Zeldta is our combined nickname; and that’s what I use for my website

Zeldtauro is a spanish version of Zeldtaur, kind of like Mauro, which is a Spanish name (I speak Spanish)

Zeldtium is the highest frequency in the multiverse (a word I made up, like a Pentium computer); it’s always getting higher and higher as the multiverse expands; it’s almost harmonics of Zacronia

Zaccronia is the place I come from (my superhero place) - the biggest star system in the multi-verse

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