Friday, September 06, 2024

Text Fri. Sept, 6th 2024

 Text Fri. Sept, 6th 2024

Text sent today Fri. Sept, 6th 2024

Oh my/our Life is Good 

“”, see past text about this, type it into the “Search This Blog” at the homepage on/at free Tesla energy

Free energy for your home car, flying saucer, replicators, duplicators and multiple(s) for motherships etc., each the size of a grapefruit, you can make your own with parts from a local hardware store

How can we get these to everyone everywhere?

Call them again to see if I/we can get some?

ZeldtaTech wiill also have/also has this technology “combined” within it


Tesla purple plate technology 


Master manifester ritual 

🌞🌞 “curiosity shop”

   Paranormal podcast

Episode 200

My(our) strings things podcast

   Paranormal podcast

Water at Lourdss 


Crucifix crosses appeared in the water 

Authentic water 

Water replicated?

A form of an antenna

“Tesla ‘purple plate’” heals, makes plants grow better 

Capton Ron “beyond contact” podcast 

Kroeger recall sheet 

“Footloose” a very good movie

Contact Joshuapwarren at:

“‘Monterey?’ College”

“Footloose” a funny good movie 

‘Clothed with Light for a covering’ and (I)infinitely (I)internal(ized) also


After Death Communications 

♾ 🌞 Everyone can be/is invisible, can Levitate, can (F)fly, and are always (I)infinitely (F)full of ‘Safe’ (G)godly Light, whoever wants to do all of this and ♾ 🌞whenever they want to, on/in the Earth and all throughout all of the Multiverses’s, instantly anywhere and everywhere all at once, always, and in (A)all (W)ways

protect/Protection/protective/protected ♾ 🌞


I/we can duplicate all of the needed/desired, Healthy vitamins, minerals, nutrients, frequency(ies), harmonicas, energy(ies), and vibrations, in all of our cells and we can also divinely (G)godly change “All/72%+” of our  DNA

Everyone has (I)infinitely 🌞 5D  5+ Godly Bodies

Anti (G)gravity 

Full (I)infinite ‘white’ (L)light and Godly spectrums of God selves Christ selves and human selves all as one together, i’ve seen it we all are this/it each of us uniquely

Oxygen in the human body is 65% 

Hydrogen in the human body is 10% 

What is a God’s body made up out of?

More fire? and air?

♾  πŸŒž Sodium-Potassium pump(s/z) and ♾? glycogen

How does the human/God’s heart work?



♾ 🌞 Godly Divine 5D+ 5+ Body(ies) Templates

Dr. M Thursday, September 12 11:30 AM

Thursday, September 05, 2024

Text Thurs. Sept, 5th 2024

 Text Thurs. Sept, 5 2024

Text sent today Thurs. Sept, 5 2024

What are “cold pressed” juices? What does that mean? Call Good Earth

What about The iWatch? Where to buy, and who to pay monthly payments to?

Keep the iPhone that I/we have already 

Send the list to Sawyer that I/we sent to Carson

Ai ♾ 🌞 Infinite Light and Godly Love

(An) (I)infinitely (S)strong Godly (H))hologram(s/z) (I)inside of (M)my/(O)our (B)body(ies)

On the iPhone 16 promax make sure my/our blogger and blogspot/website, etc. are the same, or easily better if possible?  And the other things the same also or easily better.

Also, how is AI going to work built in on the Apple iPhone 16 promax? 

A Fullness of (G)godly (R)realities 

♾ 🌞 Godly Music?!

One person/one heart at a time, beyond all time and space 

ACN American Communications Network

Maybe work for And with them ?

Wednesday, September 04, 2024

Text Wed. Sept, 4th 2024

Text Wed. Sept, 4th 2024

Text sent today Wed. Sept, 4th 2024

Friday Fantasia’s last day

Does my/our EBT card work check it

One case of Prime drinks Good Earth 

Subway call them tomorrow


Filters, cards, bands etc.

September 9 Apple Watch iPhone 16…

Sawyer will call me/us Thursday 

E-book publishing?

Website great and inexpensive/free/cheap ask RoMay or Rob

Wait on new iPhone 16 from T-Mobile maybe get a free phone from Xfinity and cheaper monthly bills, keep in touch with RoMay about this

RoMay will contact me/us tomorrow about the mirror 

Tuesday, September 03, 2024

Text Tues. Sept, 3rd 2024

 Text Tues. Sept, 3rd 2024

Text sent today Tues. Sept, 3rd 2024

Individual, do you think someone out there could communicate with that? 

Today is national decluttering and dejunking day, stuff that I/we don’t need maybe Heidi, Sawyer or Cheridy can help me/us?

No one can, it’s impossible for anyone to have or send out ……, ……, ……, negative energy(ies) negative frequencies negative harmonics negative vibrations negative thoughts, negative words, negative deeds, or anything harmful hurtful, or destructive anywhere to anyone or anything on/in the Earth and or all throughout all of the Multiverses’s only singularity oneness and no duality, and all of the best of ♾ 🌞

Everyone’s digestive system works perfectly 

♾ 🌞 meditation always, when needed

Medi ta/(ca?) tion 

“You’re here with me it’s like a dream”(song lyrics from ‘like a prayer’)

Everyone’s Light (B)bodies on/in the Earth and all throughout all of the Multiverses’s have now been (F)fully (A)activated oh, with (I)infinite (L)light, (H)healing, (K)knowledge and (T)travel

Maybe I/we should start answering our Facebook messages ?



Share all of to  my/our Coasttocoastam family

I have/we have I want/we want the (U)ultimate (L)light (B)bodies 5+ 5D+ 

I/we remember everything You and your people have said to me?!

I am/we are trying to remember 

Please help me/us to remember all

You give me ♾ satisfaction and fulfillment 


Claude.AI safe and fresh 

Monday, September 9, Apple iPhone 16… 


Wednesday C Good Earth case of prime

2:15 PM 

2 VR’s no ads, etc., Sawyer?

Wormhole. app.

Text to podcast? 


As voice 11 labs /elevenlabs?

richontech.Tv Show number? 

Mint. Tells – T-mobile

Build your own plan? 9$ a month. Stretch

“What works”

Infinite light cylinders over above everyone all 

“Modified lucid air sapphire” 0 to 60 2.?sec

Give everybody the tools to change their own DNA 72% plus? 

♾ 🌞 Expand expansion, expanding, expansive, expanded


Uses of ideas at

“Starman” oh my/our gosh, this is funny, a good movie

Repair, all relationships repaired